Methylprednisolone Pulse Therapy in Treatment of Renal Disease in Children; Its Suppressive Effect for Lymphocyte and Correlation in Clinical Status
KASAI Noriaki
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, School of Medicine Kitasato University
YOSHIDA Shigehiko
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University
Department of Pediatrics, Yamato City Hospital
Sakai Tadasu
Department of Urology, Kitasato University School of Medicine
Igarashi Muneo
Department of Pediatrics, Kitasato University School of Medicine.
Yoshida Shigehiko
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Shin-katsushika Hospital
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Shizuoka University
Ishidate Takeo
Department Of Pediatrics Kitasato University School Of Medicine.
Ishidate Takeo
Department Of Pediatrics Kitasato University Hospital.
Sakai T
Children's Kidney Center
Sakai Tadasu
Department Of Urology Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Sakai Tadasu
Children's Kidney Center
Iitaka K
Department Of Pediatrics Yamato City Hospital
Iitaka Kikuo
Department Of Pediatrics Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Iitaka Kikuo
Department Of Pediatrics International University Of Health And Welfare Atami Hospital
Kasai Noriaki
Department Of Pediatrics Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Kasai Noriaki
Department Of Orthopedic Surgery School Of Medicine Kitasato University
Igarashi Muneo
Department Of Pediatrics Kitasato University School Of Medicine.
Kasai N
Department Of Pediatrics Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Iitaka Kikuo
Department Of Pediatrics Kitasato University School Of Medicine.
Iwasaki Keiko
Department Of Pediatrics Kitasato University School Of Medicine
Ishidate Takeo
Department of Pediatrics, Kitasato University School of Medicine.
Kasai Noriaki
Department of Pediatrics, Kitasato University School of Medicine
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