Patterns of Recurrence after Complete Remission with Definitive Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Malignant Glioma
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-02-01
INOUE Yuichi
Department of Somnology, Tokyo Medical University
中島 俊文
小野山 靖人
Kozuka Takahiro
Departments Of Radiology Surgery And Pediat-rics Osaka University
Minakuchi Kazuo
Department Of Radiology Osaka Prefectural Medical Center For Respiratory And Allergic Diseases
中島 俊文
大阪府立羽曳野病院 放
中島 俊文
Nakajima Toshifumi
Department Of Radiology Tenri Hospital
井上 佑一
大阪市立大学 放
TADA Takuhito
Department of Radiology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Inoue Yuichi
Department Of Radiology Osaka City University
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Radiology Osaka Prefectural Medical Center For Respiratory And Allergic Diseases
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Radiology Osaka City University Graduate School Of Medicine
Minakuchi Kazuo
Department Of Clinical Pharmacy Institute Of Health Biosciences The University Of Tokushima Graduate
Onoyama Yasuto
Yodogawa Christian Hospital
NISHITA Toshiyuki
Department of Radiology, Osaka City University Medical School.
KODA Mayuko
Department of Radiology, Osaka Prefectural Habikino Hospital
Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka City University
Kozuka Takahiro
Department Of Intensive Care Unit & Cardiovascular Surgery National Cardiovascular Center
Nakajima Toshihumi
Department Of Radiology Osaka City University Medical School.
Inoue Yuichi
Department Of Internal Medicine Isahaya Insurance General Hospital
Koda Mayuko
Department Of Radiology Osaka Prefectural Habikino Hospital
Hakuda Akira
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka City University
井上 佑一
Department Of Radiology Osaka City University
Kozuka Takahiro
Department Of Radiology Osaka Prefectural Habikino Hospital
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Surgery Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Molecular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Inoue Yuichi
Department Of Biochemical Science And Technology Faculty Of Agriculture Kagoshima University
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
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