Resonant Frequency Deviation of Ultrasonic Flat Motor Caused by Rotor Pressure : Ultrasonic Motor, Actuator and Transducer
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1992-05-31
中川 吉郎
Shibata Isao
Nisca Co. Ltd
Nakagawa Y
Yamanashi Univ. Kofu Jpn
Ito Hiroki
Development Department Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Ito H
Department Of Energy And Environmental Science Graduate School Of Utsunomiya University
NISCA Co., Ltd
SANO Kazuhide
NISCA Co., Ltd
Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University
ITO Hiroshi
Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University
中川 吉郎
Sayama Katsunobu
New Materials Research Center Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Nakagawa Yasuhiko
Facully Of Engineering Yamanashi University
Iijima T
Tohoku National Induatrial Res. Inst. Sendai Jpn
Sano K
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. Osaka Jpn
Iijima Takashi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Nogoya University
Ito Hiroshi
Faculty of Computer Science & Technology, Kyushu Institute of Technology
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