Toxicity of Fire Decomposition Products of New Fire Extinguishing Agent, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3-Heptafluoropropane
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Because of itis strong ozone-depleting property, the use of bromotrifluoromethane (CF_3Br, Halon 1301) has been banned as a fire extinguishing agent since the first day of 1994. Trifluorometrane(CHF_3), 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3-heptafluoropropane (C_3HF_7, HFP) and ather fluorocarbons have been developed as possible replacements for CH_3Br. All of these have an ozone-deplenting coefficient of zero and they do not contain bromine or chlorine. CHF_3 and HFP are both now commercially available and are in use in Japan. The alternative substances themselves are not toxic. In HFP, for example, the Lc_<50> in rats was more than 80%, cardio-sensitization in dogs did not occur at HFP concentrations of 9%, no health effects were observed in rats at exposure concentration of 10.5% in a 90-day exposure experiment, and the mutagenicity in both bacteria and mammlian cells was negative^<1, 2>. They are, however, less effisient fire extinguishants, they need higher minimal design concentrations for fire type, fire size, and discharge time. The important toxic decomposition products are fluoride (F_2), hydrogen fluoride (HF) and carbonyl fluride (COF_2). Fire fighters and victims of a fire may potentially inhale these toxic agents. In this study, we have tried to gather basic information regarding the inhalation toxicity of HFP decomposition products in animal inhalation experiments.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
Nakashima Hiroshi
Department Of Cardiology Nagasaki Citizens Hospital
Health Promotion
SAKURAI Haruhiko
Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health,School of Medicine,Keio University
SAKURAI Haruhiko
Occupational Health Research and Development Center, Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association
Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, School of Medicine, Keio University
ODA Kenichi
Department of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, School of Medicine, Keio University
Yamazaki Kazuhito
Department Of Pathology School Of Medicine Keio University
Omae Kazuyuki
Department Of Preventive Medicine And Public Health School Of Medicine Keio University
Omae Kazuyuki
慶応義塾大学 医学部衛生学公衆衛生学
Omae Kazuyuki
Omae Kazuyuki
Department Of Preventive Medicine And Public Health Keio University School Of Medicine
Omae Kazuyuki
東京医科歯科大学難治疾患研究所 分子疫学
Saito Norimitsu
Research Institute for Environmental Sciences and Public Health of Iwate Prefecture
SAITO Naoshi
Fire Research Institute, Fire Defense Agensy
Fire Research Institute, Fire Defense Agensy
OGAWA Yoshio
Fire Research Institute, Fire Defense Agensy
Nakashima Hiroshi
Department Of Preventive Medicine And Public Health National Defense Medical College
Yamazaki Kazuto
The Department Of Surgery And Science Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Saso Y
National Res. Inst. Fire And Disaster Tokyo Jpn
Saso Yuko
Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University School Of Pharmacy:clinical Development Scientific Affairs Sanofi
Oda Kenichi
Department Of Preventive Medicine & Public Health School Of Medicine Keio University
Nakashima H
Hyogo University
Nakashima Hideharu
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engineering Sciences Kyushu University
Sakurai H
Showa Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Sakurai Haruhiko
Occupational Health Research And Development Center Japan Industrial Health Association
Sakurai Haruhiko
Department Of Cardiology Toki General Hospital
Oshita Yoshiko
Department Of Environmental Medicine Kochi University School Of Medicine
Ishizuka Chizuru
Department Of Preventive Medicine And Public Health School Of Medicine Keio University
Yamazaki Kazunori
Occupational Health Res. And Dev. Center Japan Industrial Safety And Health Assoc.
Nakashima Hiroshi
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Yamazaki Kazunori
Japan Bioassay Res. Center Japan Industrial Safety And Health Assoc.
ODA Kenichi
Department of Health Examination, Kanto Labor Accident Hospital
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