Natural Killer Cell Activity and its Related Psychological Factor, Sense of Coherence in Male Smokers
- 論文の詳細を見る
Sense of Coherence(SOC), a candidate for a mediating stress factor, is studied in the framework of Antonovsky's salutogenesis paradigm, which emphasizes the origin of health. Emotional stress is associated with a decrease in cellular immune function including natural killer cell activity(NKCA). The purpose of this study was to clarify the involvement of SOC and smoking behavior in cellular immunity including NKCA. The author performed a psychological questionnaire and examined NKCA and NK cell subsets in 125 men (45.1 ± 7.88 yr, mean ± SD) engaged in office work. The psychosocial factors included SOC and health locus of control (HLC) as well as perceived life stress and life style. SOC and smoking status was recognized to affect NKCA as well as CD57+CD16+. A higher SOC and never smoking significantly contributed to a higher level of NKCA. In subjects with a higher SOC, NKCA in never and ex-smokers were significantly higher than those in present smokers, whereas in subjects with a lower SOC, NKCA only in never smokers was significantly higher than that in present smokers. There were no significant differences in the stress index, alcohol obesity, or HLC among smoking status. SOC showed a moderately negative relationship with life stress. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that SOC and smoking were significantly correlated to NKCA and CD57+CD16+, independently of other psychosocial variables, suggesting salutogenic contributions of SOC. SOC may be an important psychological modifier in determining the relationship between cellular immunity and smoking cessation. The reduced NKCA with lower SOC in present smokers, whose association seems to be produced not through daily life stress, must be dealt with as an occupational mental health problem.(J Occup Health 2001; 43: 191-198)
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University
長瀬 博文
富山県衛生研究所 環境保健部
NAGASE Hirofumi
Department of Environmental Health, Toyama Institute of Health
Department of Public Health, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmaceuti
Health Promotion
Faculty of Medicine, School of Nursing, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa Un
Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa Un
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Nishikyushu University
Nashiwa Hitomi
Dep. Of Psychology Hiroshima Univ. Graduate School Of Education
Ogino Keiki
Ogino Keiki
Department Of Public Health Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceuti
Ogino K
Department Of Public Health Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry & Pharmaceu
Ogino K
Medical School Kanazawa University
長瀬 博文
高知大学 医学部環境医学
Ogino Keiki
Department Of Public Health Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry & Pharmaceu
Ogino Keiki
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa Univ
Nakamura Hiroyuki
Department Of Dermatology Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nakajima Madoka
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa Univ
Oshita Yoshiko
Department Of Environmental Medicine Kochi University School Of Medicine
Kodama Norio
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa Univ
長瀬 博文
金沢大 医
Nakamura Hiroyuki
Department Of Biochemistry Osaka Medical Center For Cancer And Cardiovascular Diseases
Nakamura Hiroyuki
Department Of Public Health School Of Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Kanazawa University
Nakamura Hiroyuki
Department of Advanced Materials, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8561
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