- 論文の詳細を見る
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1989-09-01
- Peculiar Peak Shifts in the IR Spectrum of Benzoic Acid Crystals by Compression with Methylated Additives
- Physicochemical Properties of Crystalline Lactose. II. Effect of Crystallinity on Mechanical and Structural Properties
- Physicochemical Properties of Crystalline Lactose. I. Estimation of the Degree of Crystallinity and the Disorder Parameter by an X-Ray Diffraction Method
- Effects of Grinding with or without Microcrystalline Cellulose on the Decomposition of p-Aminosalicylic Acid
- Effects of Grinding on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Crystalline Medicinals with Microcrystalline Cellulose V : Comparison with Tri-O-methyl-β-cyclodextrin Ground Mixtures
- Effects of Grinding on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Crystalline Medicinals with Microcrystalline Cellulose. IV. Comparison of the IR Spectra of Medicinals in the Solid State and in Solution
- Effects of Grinding on Physical and Chemical Properties of Crystalline Medicinals with Microcrystalline Cellulose. III. Infrared Spectra of Medicinals in Ground Mixtures
- Effect of Grinding on Physical and Chemical Properties of Crystalline Medicinals with Microcrystalline Cellulose. II. : Retention of Volatile Medicinals in Ground Mixture
- Effects of Grinding on Physical and Chemical Properties of Crystalline Medicinals with Microcrystalline Cellulose. I. Some Physical Properties of Crystalline Medicinals in Ground Mixtures
- 錠剤中のデンプン粒子の配列と錠剤の崩壊との関係
- 錠剤の崩壊に対する崩壊剤の膨潤効果
- Crystallinity and Physical Characteristics of Microcrystalline Cellulose. II. Fine Structure of Ground Microcrystalline Cellulose
- Crystallinity and Physical Characteristics of Microcrystalline Cellulose
- Disintegration Measurement of Sugar Coated Tablets by Thermal Analysis
- Polymorphism of Tegafur : Physico-chemical Properties of Four Polymorphs
- Acceleration of the Addition Reaction of Succinic Anhydride and p-Nitroaniline in Controlled-Pore Glass Solid Dispersions
- Molecular State of Methyl p-Hydroxybenzoate in the Solid Dispersion Prepared by Grinding with α-Cyclodextrin
- Freeze-Drying of Drug-Additive Binary Systems. I. Effects of Freezing Condition on the Crystallinity
- New Methods for Preparing Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compounds. II. : Effects of Heating Temperature, Water Content and Drug Properties on the Inclusion Formation
- Photoacoustic Spectroscopic Study of Cyclodextrin-Methyl Orange Systems
- 光音響分光法の製剤中薬品定量分析への応用
- Effects of Solid Dispersion with Heptakis-(2,6-di-O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrin on the Dissolution and Sublimation of Naphthalene
- Measurement of Acid Strength of Excipients by Photoacoustic Spectroscopy(Pharmaceutical,Chemical)
- ヘプタキスー2,6-ジ-O-メチル-β-シクロデキストリンとp-ニトロフェノールの溶液中における分子間相互作用
- 医薬品と軽質無水ケイ酸との相互作用
- Interactions between Crystalline Medicinals and Porous Clay
- Molecular Behavior of Flufenamic Acid in Physical and Ground Mixtures with Florite
- Molecular Interaction between Benzoic Acid and Florite and Complex Formation
- Interaction between Polyethylene Films and Bromhexine・HCl in Solid Dosage Form. III. Prevention of Drug Sorption by Improving Manufacturing Processes
- Complex Formation of Nitrazepam in Coprecipitating and in Co-grinding with Methylated β-Cyclodextrins
- 固形製剤中の塩酸プロムヘキシンとポリエチレンフィルムとの相互作用(第2報)薬物収着に及ぼす含水分の性質の影響
- 固形製剤中の塩酸ブロムヘキシンとポリエチレンフィルムとの相互作用(第1報)薬物の収着に及ぼす固形製剤中の水分量の影響
- Interaction of Medicinals and Porous Powder. III. : Effects of Pore Diameter of Porous Glass Powder on Crystalline Properties
- 固体医薬品の分子状態に与えるメカノケミカル効果
- Properties of Crystal Water of α-, β-, and γ-Cyclodextrin
- The Crystal Structure of Tegafur (β-Form) : Comparison with α-Form
- 市販乳糖の物理的性質と錠剤特性
- 乳糖の部分溶解度パラメターの測定とその溶解度評価への適用
- 安息香酸およびパラオキシ安息香酸エステル類とHeptakis-(2, 6-di-O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrinの物理的混合物の熱的挙動の検討
- ゲスト化合物蒸気圧のHeptakis-(2,6-di-O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrinへの包接比に対する影響
- Physicochemical Properties of Amorphous Ursodeoxycholic Acid Obtained by Grinding
- 蛍光測定によるシクロデキストリン混合粉砕物中のピレンの分子状態の検討
- Effects of Saccharide on the Decomposition of Cephalothin Sodium and Benzylpenicillin Potassium in Freeze-Dried Preparations
- Solubility Parameter and Dissolution Behavior of Cefalexin Powders with Different Crystallinity
- New Methods for Preparing Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compounds. IV. Enhancement of Combining Molar Ratio by Using a Ground Mixture in Heptakis-(2,6-di-O-methyl)-β-cyclodexitrin and Benzoic Acid System
- 9 アスピリン-多孔性結晶セルロース混合系中におけるアスピリンの安定性
- Stability of Aspirin in Controlled Pore Glass Solid Dispersions
- Diffusion and Reaction of p-Nitroaniline and Succinic Anhydride in Controlled Pore Glass
- Effect of Grinding on Dehydration of Crystal Water of Theophyline
- New Methods for Preparing Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compounds. III. : Preparation of Heptakis-(2,6-di-O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrin-Benzoic Acid Inclusion Compound by Sealed Heating
- Effects of the Degree of Polymerization of Oligosaccharides on the Properties of Ground Mixtures
- Relationships between Crystallinity of β-Cyclodextrin and Tablet Characteristics
- α-及びβ-シクロデキストリン結晶化度の粉砕による変化
- 医薬品と多孔性粉体との相互作用(第2報)多孔性ガラス粉体との混合物からの安息香酸の昇華
- Interaction of Medicinals and Porous Powder. I. Anomalous Thermal Behavior of Porous Glass Mixtures
- The Dispersed States of Medicinal Molecules in Ground Mixtures with α- or β-Cyclodextrin
- Interaction of Tri-O-methyl-β-cyclodextrin with Drugs. II. Enhanced Bioavailability of Ketoprofen in Rats when Administered with Tri-O-methyl-β-cyclodextrin
- 粉砕によるシクロデキストリンと薬品の分子間相互作用 (〔粉体工学会〕第19回夏期シンポジウム特集"粉体処理のための粒子設計")
- アベチン酸誘導体(N-(2,6-Dimethylphenyl)-Δ^8-dihydroabietamide)の結晶形
- Interaction of Tri-O-methyl-β-cyclodextrin with Drugs. I. Effect of Tri-O-methyl-β-cyclodextrin on the Partition Coefficients of Drugs
- パルビツール酸誘導体とポリエチレングリコールの複合体生成と分子間相互作用
- パルミチン酸クロラムフェニコールー結晶セルロース混合粉砕物の物理化学的性質と消化管吸収
- α-, β-シクロデキストリン混合粉砕物の吸湿による結晶化
- 医薬品と結晶セルロース混合粉砕物の物理化学的安定性
- 錠剤内の粒子配列について(第3報)圧縮過程でのアスピリン結晶粒子の配列の変化
- 錠剤内の粒子配列について(第2報)アスピリン結晶形状の粒子配列および成形性におよぼす影響
- 錠剤内の粒子配列について(第1報)配列状態の測定法
- "結晶-この美しきもの"
- Dissolution of Physical Mixtures of Dimemorfan Phosphate and Dimemorfan
- New Methods for Preparing Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compounds. I. Heating in a Sealed Container(Pharmaceutical,Chemical)
- 固体医薬品及び添加剤の溶解度パラメターの測定
- Freeze-Drying of Drug-Additive Binary Systems. II. : Relationship between Decarboxylation Behavior and Molecular States of p-Aminosalicylic Acid
- Pantolactone as a Plastic Crystal
- 医薬品におけるメカノケミストリーへの道(挑戦者からのメッセージ,栄養 : 薬学のかかわり方)
- オクテット
- オクテット
- 製剤中の医薬品の分子状態について
- 混合粉砕に関する研究 : そのメカノケミカルな効果
- 一般教育と専門教育(薬学生の一般教育をより意義あるものにするためには)
- 学術貢献賞受賞 山本恵司氏の業績
- 製剤の品質と医薬品粉末の基礎的な性質 (〔粉体工学会〕第23回技術討論会特集--粒子設計のための新技術とその評価法)
- 非晶質α-,β-,γ-シクロデキストリンの吸湿による結晶化
- 有機結晶に対する混合粉砕のメカノケミカル効果
- 熱測定法による錠剤-崩壊の測定について (粉体(特集))