- 論文の詳細を見る
The structures of 22-hydroxy furostanol bisglycosides, T-e (2), T-j (3) and T-h (4), which are recognized as real substances of "nolonin"and correspond to proto-type of pennogenin glycosides, have been substantiated by ^<13>C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. Moreover, two new sapogenols, G-I and G-II, have been isolated from the hydrolysate by using H_2SO_4 in 50% EtOH of the MeOH extractives of the underground parts of Trillium kamtschaticum PALL. and their structures could be deduced as the formulae 8 and 9,respectively.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1982-11-25
川崎 敏男
中野 公子
富松 利明
柏田 良樹
中野 公子
中野 公子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokushima University
塚谷 博昭
野原 稔弘
川崎 敏男
川崎 敏男
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Setsunan University
野原 稔弘
熊本大 大学院 医学薬学研究部
富松 利明
川崎 敏夫
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Setsunan University
柏田 良樹
富松 利明
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokushima University
Kashiwada Y
Niigata Univ. Pharmacy And Applied Life Sci. Niigata Jpn
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- Resin Glycosides. XIII. Operculins VI, XI, XII, XIII, XIV and XV, the Ehter-Soluble Resin Glycosides (Jalapin) from Rhizoma Jalapae Braziliensis (Roots of Ipomoea operculata)
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- Study on the Constituents of Paris quadriforia L.
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- 58 桂皮ジテルペンの化学的研究
- Two New Cycloartane Glycosides, Thalictosides A and C from Thalictrum thunbergii D.C.
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