P-7 Cumingianoside類及びcumindysoside Aに関する化学的研究(ポスター発表の部)
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Cumingianosides A-Q, isolated from Dysoxylum cumingianum (Meliaceae), exhibited potent selective cytotoxicity against MOLT-4 human leukemia cells (eg. 1: ED_<50><0.00625μM, 2: ED_<50><0.0045μM). In the course of the structure elucidation of cumingianoside Q (5), it was found that treatment of cumingianoside A (1) with p-toluenesulfonic acid in CH_2Cl_2 furnished mainly unknown products (8 and 10), along with a small amount of 5. This finding prompted our structure elucidation of these products. Similar reactions of cumingianosides C (2) and E (3) and of cumindysoside A (7) were also carried out, and the structures of those products (9, 11-14) were elucidated. The structures of 8 and 10 were determined on the basis of spectral examinations and contained a dammar-13(17)-ene and a 17,23-epoxydammarane skeletons, respectively. Cumingianoside C (2) afforded products (9 and 11) similar to 8 and 10, respectively. Cumingianoside E (3) yielded cumingianoside D (4) in a shorter reaction time. In contrast, when 3 was treated with p-toluenesulfonic acid in CH_2Cl_2 at 5℃, it gave two products (12 and 13). Extensive spectroscopic examinations revealed that 12 possessed a dammar-12-ene skeleton, while 13 was a tetranortriterpene glucoside (13) with a novel skeleton. Cumindysoside A (7) gave a product (14) similar to 13. The cytotoxicities of 8-14 against 58 human cell lines were evaluated. Compounds 10-14 exhibited potent (ED_<50> values ranging from 0.078-4μM) cytotoxicity, especially against leukemia and colon cancer cell lines.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1995-09-01
藤岡 稔大
柏田 良樹
藤岡 稔大
三橋 國英
李 國雄
陳 昇益
三橋 國英
柏田 良樹
池城 安正
柏田 良樹
柏田 良樹
柏田 良樹
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyushu Unversity
Kashiwada Y
Niigata Univ. Pharmacy And Applied Life Sci. Niigata Jpn
Kashiwada Yoshiki
Niigata College Of Pharmacy
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