A Computer Program for Pharmacokinetics Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation Using the Gamma Distribution with a Probability Density Function : Comparison with the Normal Distribution
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A computer program is described for maximum likelihood estimation within the gamma or normal distribution which can be used to estimate pharmacokinetic parameters. Pharmacokinetic analysis using this proposed program was investigated by the Monte Carlo method. The assumed pharmacokinetic models were a one-compartment intravenous model and an oral model. The simulated drug concentrations were generated using a 10% S.D. based on the gamma or normal distribution. The gamma or normal distribution was adopted as the probability density function (p.d.f.) to estimate model parameters. The Powell method was used to maximize the logarithmic likelihood. There were no differences in the estimated parameters in terms of statistical and frequency distributions between the gamma and normal distributions using the generated data and the p.d.f. distributions.However, the number of failures to calculate the parameters using the p.d.f. with the normal distribution was more than five times that using the gamma distribution. This result suggests that it may be necessary to evaluate the validity of results computed using the maximum likelihood estimation based on a normal distribution as a data error distribution and p.d.f.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2000-02-01
松本 宜明
Laboratory of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, Showa Pharmaceutical University
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Showa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
FUKUOKA Masamichi
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Showa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Matsumoto Y
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology And Toxicology Showa Pharmaceutical University
Tanaka Masayo
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Kanto Medical Center Ntt Ec
Fujii M
Department Of Pharmaceutics Showa College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Fujii Makiko
Department Of Pharmaceutics Showa College Of Pharmaceutical Science
Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitology, Okayama University Medical School
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Showa Pharmaceutical University
Matsumoto Mitsuo
Department of Pharmaceutics, Showa Pharmaceutical University
Shimizu Makiko
Showa Pharmaceutical University
Shimizu M
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology And Toxicology Showa Pharmaceutical University
Shimizu Makiko
Lab. Of Drug Metabolism And Pharmacokinetics Showa Pharmaceutical Univ.
Shimizu Makiko
Laboratory Of Drug Metabolism And Pharmacokinetics Showa Pharmaceutical University
Shimizu Makiko
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology And Toxicology Showa Pharmaceutical University
Department of Pharmacy, St. Marianna University School of Medicine, Yokohama-shi Seibu Hospital
Fujii M
Department Of Pharmaceutics And Biopharmaceutics Showa Pharmaceutical University
Tanikawa Koji
Department Of Pharmacy St. Marianna University School Of Medicine Yokohama-shi Seibu Hospital
Matsumoto Yoshiaki
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology And Toxicology Showa Pharmaceutical University
Fukuoka Masamichi
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology And Toxicology Showa Pharmaceutical University
Fukuoka Masamichi
Division Of Medical Chemistry National Institute Of Hygienic Sciences
Matsumoto Yoshiaki
Department Of Pharmaceutics Showa College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
松本 宣明
Division Of Applied Life Science Graduate School Of Engineering Sojo University
Fukuoka M
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology And Toxicology Showa Pharmaceutical University
Matsumoto Mitsuo
Department Of Pharmaceutics Showa Pharmaceutical University
Murata Masahiro
Department Of Pharmacy Services Tama Nagayama Hospital Nippon Medical School
Saito Miwako
Lab. Of Drug Metabolism And Pharmacokinetics Showa Pharmaceutical Univ.
Matsuzaki Takashi
Department Of Anesthesiology And Resuscitology Okayama University Medical School
Matsumoto Mitsuo
Department Of Pharmaceutics And Biopharmaceutics Showa Pharmaceutical University
Matsumoto Yoshiaki
Department Of Clinical Pharmacokinetics College Of Pharmacy Nihon University
Matsumoto Mitsuo
Department Of Ophthalmology Hirosaki University School Of Medicine
Matsumoto Mitsuo
Department of Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
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