Synthesis and Biological Activity of New 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA Synthase Inhibitors : 2-Oxetanones with a Side Chain Mimicking the Extended Structure of 1233A
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Structural analogs of 1233A, a microbial metabolite inhibiting 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) synthase, were designed and synthesized. The 2-oxetanone moiety was left intact. All analogs prepared were tested for inhibition of HMG-CoA synthase activity and sterol synthesis in mouse liver and for effect on serum triglyceride levels. Of these analogs, trans-4-[2-[3-(7-carboxy-2-naphthyl)phenyl]ethyl]-3-hydroxymethyl-2-oxetanone (4a) showed the highest inhibitory activity in vitro, and also had in vivo inhibitory activity without causing any increase in triglyceride level.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1994-10-15
砂塚 敏明
伊藤 元
Fuji Chemical Industries Ltd.
供田 洋
橋詰 博一
Fuji Chemical Industries, Ltd.,
森川 忠則
Fuji Chemical Industries, Ltd.,
金谷 直明
Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
長島 一
Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
碓井 博幸
Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
供田 洋
Research Center for Biological Function, The Kitasato Institute
砂塚 敏明
Research Center for Biological Function, The Kitasato Institute
熊谷 英敏
Research Center for Biological Function, The Kitasato Institute
大村 智
Research Center for Biological Function, The Kitasato Institute
森川 忠則
Research Institute Fuji Chemical Industries Ltd.
碓井 博幸
Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
森川 忠則
Fuji Chemical Industries Ltd.
熊谷 英敏
Research Center For Biological Function The Kitasato Institute
長島 一
Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
橋詰 博一
Fuji Chemical Industries Ltd.
金谷 直明
Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
砂塚 敏明
北里大 北里生命科研
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