P-13 真菌Penicillium sp. FKI-1938株が生産する抗感染症剤citridone類の研究(ポスター発表の部)
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On the basis of a new concept of anti-infective drugs, assay systems were conducted to screen for compounds which potentiate the antifungal activity of an azole compound (miconazole) or the anti-MRSA activity of a β-lactam (imipenem), as a potential approach for the development of anti-infective drugs. Using the conventional assay system, several new compounds, such as beauvericins and phenatic acids were discovered. During continuous screening work, a culture broth of Penicillium sp. FKI-1938, isolated from soil collected at Ishigakijima, was recently selected. Five structurally-related new compounds named citridones were isolated from the culture broth (5L) through EtOAc extract, silicagel column chromatography and preparative HPLC. Finally, citridone A (4.7mg), a mixture of citridones B and B' (59.2mg, purified as a mixture of hemiacetal epimers) and citridone C (11.7mg) were obtained as white needles or amorphous. From another jar fermentation broth (20L), citridone D (16.4mg) was obtained as amorphous. The molecular formulas of citridones B and B' were determined to be C_<19>H_<21>NO_5 on the basis of HRFAB-MS measurement. The structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analyses including various NMR experiments and X-ray crystallography of a tri-O-acetyl derivative prepared from citridone B. Citridones B and B' have a novel cyclic ring system of 7-phenylfuropyridin-2-ol fused with a furan ring. All citridones showed growth inhibition of C. albicans KF-1, but only in combination with miconazole (0.06μM) by the paper disk method. Furthermore, only citridone A potentiated β-lactam imipenem activity against MRSA by decreasing the MIC value from 100μM to 1.6μM.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2006-09-15
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