Inorganic Chemical Approaches to Pharmacognosy. VII. : X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometric Studies on the Inorganic Constituents of Crude Drugs. (5). The Relationship between Inorganic Constituents of Plants and the Soils on Which They Are Grown
- 論文の詳細を見る
Inorganic constituents of the leaves of several kinds of plants growing on different soil types were investigated using energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.The results can be summarized as follows : (1) Each plant exhibited a characteristic metals profile, even if they were grown on similar soil types. (2) As we would expect, the metals profile of the plant leaves depends on the inorganic constitution of the soil on which it is grown. However, the degree of the influence of the soil types on the metals profile of the plant differs according to the kind of inorganic element; Ca and Cu are almost indepenent of the soil types, but the Ti and Fe content is dependent upon the soil types. (3) Sr content of plant leaves is closely related to the ratio of Sr to Ca of the soil on which the plants are grown. (4) This information should be helpful in identifying the producing district or original plant of a crude drug by its metals profile.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1990-08-25
武田 美雄
藤多 哲朗
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokushima
武田 美雄
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokushima
武田 美雄
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The University Of Tokushima
藤多 哲朗
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
三野 芳紀
Osaka College of Pharmacy
太田 長世
Osaka College of Pharmacy
市原 照由
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokushima
宇佐美 秀子
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
三野 芳紀
宇佐美 秀子
Takeda Yoshio
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Science The University Of Tokushima
市原 照由
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The University Of Tokushima
太田 長世
Osaka University Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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- 103 Neoantimycinの生合成-立体化学的側面(ポスター発表の部)
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- 4 カメバヒキオコシの新ジテルペン,Leukamenin類の構造
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- Inorganic Chemical Approaches to Pharmacognosy. VI. : X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometric Studies on the Inorganic Constituents of Crude Drugs. (4) : Coptidis Rhizoma and Phellodendri Cortex
- Inorganic Chemical Approaches to Pharmacognosy. V. : X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometric Studies on the Inorganic Constituents of Crude Drugs. (3). On the Cinnamomi Cortex
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- Inorganic Chemical Approaches to Pharmacognosy. I. Major and Trace Elements Determination in Crude Drug Samples by Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
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- Inulin in Medicinal Plants. I. Determination of Inulin in Medicinal Plants by X-Ray Diffractometry
- P-12 抗酸化性フェノール酸類の脂質抗酸化反応生成物の単離と構造(ポスター発表の部)