醤油諸味中の着色性細菌について : Halophilic Bacteriaに関する研究(第1報)
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Experiments on the isolation of halophilic bacteria from soy sauce mash and on the halotolerant color-producing bacteria isolated were carried out. The results obtained were as follows.1) For the isolation of halophilic bacteria from soy sauce mash, the bouillon agar containing koji ext. 20%, soy sauce 10%, liver ext. 5%, yeast ext. 0.4% and sodium chloride 10% was the most suitable medium.2) Using the optimum medium for isolation, 44 strains of aerobic halotolerant bacteria were isolated. Among these, 10 strains of color-producing bacteria and 5 strains of decolorizing bacteria were obtained.3) Of the color-producing bacteria, "taxonomic characteristics" of three strains, remarkable especially in medium coloration, were studied. These three strains were considered to belong to genus Micrococcus and the two of them were identified as Micrococcus luteus var. and Micrococcus candidus var. Other isolates were as yet undetermined.4) Coloring of the strain No. 46 was closely relevant to its growth, and it was considered that the color might be formed by the reaction between metabolic products from sugar and some components in the medium.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1961-01-15
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