味淋の変色現象に就て II. : 味淋中のカーボニル化合物とその生成に就て
- 論文の詳細を見る
Carbonyl compounds in mirin and those produced duing its storage were separared as 2,4-DNPHs by column chromatography. The were measured spectroscopically, and the mechanism of their formation was studied. The following results were obtained : 1) Many saturated and a few unsaturated carbonly compounds were seprated. Known compounds of them of them were acetaldehyde, crotonaldehyde, diacetyl, acetoin and hydroxymethylfurfural. Keto acid was no found. 2) Four carbonyl compounds produced during storage for 3 months were separated, but their structure was not determined. The number and amount of the carbonyl compounds were affected by the condition of storage. 3) As the mechanism of carbonyl compounds formation during storage, the STRECKER degradation was suggested, namely, Alanine+Diacetyl=Acetaldehyde+CO_2+Amino-keto-compd. CH_3・CH・NH_2・COOH+CH_3・CO・CO・CH_3=CH_3・CHO+CO_2+CH_3・CH・NH_2・CO・CH_3 Many unknown carbonyl compounds were produced by the STRECKER degradation during storage.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1956-04-15
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- 味淋の変色現象に就て II. : 味淋中のカーボニル化合物とその生成に就て