深部培養に依るグルコン酸の生産(第1報) : 常壓深部培養に就て
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A strain of Asp. niger has been selected for the production of gluconic acid by submerged process. When mechanical agitation is vigorous enough to prevent the pellet-like or flocky aggregation of mycelia, the yield of gluconic acid amounts to about 100% on the basis of glucose added, in a period of 4 days including the germination period, at an initial sugar concentration of 10%, air being supplied through the medinm under ordinary pressure.On semicontinuous process, in which greater part of fermented solution is removed off so as to retain most of the mycelia in a fermenter and a new charge of medium is introduced, the fermentation period can be shortened to about 48 hrs.The re-use of mycelia may be repeated 3 times or more without loss of activity.In most of these experiments, diluted starch-hydrolysates, furnished with inorganic salts and small amount of wort, were served as culture media. As the source of nitrogen, ammonium nitrate was used throughout, at a concentration of 0.04〜0.05% in the single batch or initial charge and 0.02% in the subsequent charges. Addition of 0.2〜0.5% by vol. of wort to the medium caused the remarkable acceleration of the fermentation.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1949-04-15
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