<Review>Physical Exercise and Uncoupling Protein Family
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Ohno, H., SUZUKI, K., HITOMI, Y., KIMOTO, K., ITOH, C., MIYAZAWA, N., OOKAWARA, T., SUZUKI, K;., HAGA, S., SAKURAI, T., IZAWA, T., NOGUCHI, I. and KIZAKI, T., Physical Exercise and Uncoupling Protein Family. Adv. Exerc. Sports Physiol., Vol.7, No.1 pp1-15, 2001. There hac recently been a growing interest in uncouplong protein (UCP) particularly in relation to obesiry. This review summarizes current knowledge regarding the effects of physical exercise on the expression of UCP family (CPU1, CPU2, and UCP3) in tissues including brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle from humans and rodents, and suggests that the expression of UCPs is regulated by exercise in those tissues.
- 日本運動生理学会の論文
OHNO Hideki
Department of Molecular Predictive Medicine and Sport Science, Kyorin University, School of Medicine
Suzuki Kenji
Department Of Cardiology Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
OHNO Hideki
Kyorin University
Hitomi Yoshiaki
Department Of Molecular Predictive Medicine And Sport Science Kyorin University School Of Medicine
Hitomi Yoshiaki
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa Univ
Haga Shukoh
Institute Of Health & Sports Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Izawa Tetsuya
Department Of Exercise And Sport Science Graduate School Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Noguchi Izumi
Department Of Dental Anaesthesiology Tsurumi University School Of Dental Medicine
Suzuki K
Laboratory Of Molecular Medicinal Sciences Department Of Bioscience And Bioinformatics College Of In
Suzuki Kenji
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
Ohno Hideki
Department Of Hygiene National Defense Medical College
Suzuki Keiichiro
Department Of Biochemistry Hyogo College Of Medicine
Kimoto Kiyoko
Department Of Molecular Predictive Medicine And Sport Science Kyorin University School Of Medicine
Miyazawa Nobuko
Department Of Molecular Predictive Medicine And Sport Science Kyorin University School Of Medicine
Ohno Hideki
Department Of Gastroenterology Graduate School Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Kizaki Takako
Department Of Molecular Predictive Medicine And Sport Science Kyorin University School Of Medicine
Ookawara Tomomi
Department Of Biochemistry Hyogo College Of Medicine
Suzuki Kenji
Department Of Anesthesia Kitakami Saiseikai Hospital
Hitomi Yoshiaki
Department Of Environmental And Preventive Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Institute Of Medical Pharmaceutical And Health Sciences Kanazawa University
Sakurai Tomonobu
Department Of Kinesiology Graduate School Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Itoh Choh-ei
Department of Molecular Predictive Medicine and Sport Science, Kyorin University, School of Medicine
OHNO Hideki
Department of Gastroenterology and Cancer Gene Regulation, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
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