Short-latency Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Patients with Brain Stem Tumor : Study of N_lt20gt and N_lt18gt Potentials
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Short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) elicited by median nerve stimulation were studied in 17 patients with brain stem tumor. A total of 35 SSEP records were obtained and classified into five groups: 13 in Group I, central conduction time (CCT) lt 7.56 msec (within the normal limits); eight in Group II, CCT ≧ 7.56 msec; nine in Group III, N_lt20gt potential was abolished; four in Group IV, N_lt20gt and N_lt18gt potentials were abolished; and one in Group V, N_lt20gt, N_lt18gt, and P_lt14gt potentials were abolished. These SSEP groups were correlated with the size and location of the brain stem tumor on magnetic resonance images. N_lt20gt potentials were unchanged in latency in patients with small localized gadolinium (Gd)-enhanced lesions. In contrast, the N_lt20gt potentials were abolished in patients with tumors extending to the dorsal pons and the upper medulla oblongata. The extent of nonenhanced low-intensity lesion did not correlate with the changes of the N_lt20gt potentials. The degree of the impairment of the N_lt20gt potentials reflected the severity of the clinical symptoms. The N_lt20gt potential can evaluate brain stem dysfunction caused by brain stem tumor. The N_lt18gt potentials were abolished in four patients, in whom the tumor extension (one Gd-enhanced lesion, three low-intensity lesions) involved not only the pans but also the medulla oblongata. Therefore, the N_lt18gt potentials are probably generated from the medulla oblongata.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1997-07-15
福多 真史
Suzuki Kenji
Department Of Cardiology Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
Department of Surgery, Omori Hospital, Toho University School of Medicine
Suzuki Kenji
Department Of Neurosurgery Brain Research Institute Niigata University
Suzuki Kenji
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
YAMAZAKI Hidetoshi
Department of Immunology, School of Life Science Tottori University
Yamazaki Hidetoshi
Department Of Neurosurgery Brain Research Institute Niigata University
TANAKA Ryuichi
Department of Neurosurgery, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University
Department of Neurosurgery, Epilepsy Center in National Nishi-Niigata Chuo Hospital
FUKUDA Masafumi
Department of Neurosurgery, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University
HONDA Yoshiho
Department of Neurosurgery, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University
Department of Neurosurgery, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University
Honda Yoshiho
Department Of Neurosurgery Brain Research Institute Niigata University
Tanaka Ryuichi
Department Of Neurosurgery Brain Research Institute Niigata University
Kameyama Shigeki
Department Of Neurosurgery Epilepsy Center Nishi-niigata Chuou National Hospital
Kameyama Shigeki
Department Of Neurosurgery Brain Research Institute Niigata University
Kameyama Shigeki
Department Of Neurosurgery Brain Research Institute Niigata University
Kameyama Shigeki
Department Of Neurosurgery Sannocho Hospital
Kawaguchi Tadashi
Department Of Neurosurgery Brain Research Institute Niigata University
Kameyama Shigeki
Department Of Functional Neuro-surgery
Tamura Akira
Department Of Internal Medicine Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital
Fukuda Masafumi
Department Of Neurosurgery Shibata Hospital
Tamura Akira
Department Of Biochemistry Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Tamura Akira
Department Of Neurosurgery Brain Research Institute Niigata University
Fukuda Masafumi
Department Of Neurosurgery Brain Research Institute Niigata University
Tanaka Ryuichi
Department Of Liberal Arts Faculty Of Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Science
Suzuki Kenji
Department Of Anesthesia Kitakami Saiseikai Hospital
福多 真史
Department of Neurosurgery, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University
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