Two-plane CT による下垂体部腫瘍の診断 : Transsphenoidal approachの適応に関連して
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Thirty five cases of tumors in the pituitary region were analysed by two-plane CT (ordinary sections and reverse sections) in order to obtain a more accurate image of the tumor and thus establish an appropriate indication for the subnasal transsphenoidal approach. Ordinary sections were examined at +2゜from Reid's base line and reverse sections were examined at -20゜from Reid's base line by EMI 1010. The reverse section was preferable in eliminating artifacts caused by body movements, air in the sinus or tooth filling. The reverse section was also advantageous because it was almost identical to the route of the subnasal transsphenoidal approach. In some cases, the overlapping and magnification method was used in the reverse section to clearly demonstrate small lesions. The tumors of pituitary region were classified into six groups (Types I〜VI) according to their degree of extension and direction of growth: Type I: intrasellar tumors; Type II: tumors with extension to the chiasmatic cistern; Type III: tumors with suprasellar extension compressing the third ventricle up to the foramen of Monro; Type IV: tumors with suprasellar extension beyond the foramen of Monro; Type V: tumors with parasellar extension ; andType VI: huge tumors extending upward and compressing the lateral ventricle. Small tumors such as Types I and II were detected more clearly by the reverse section than by the ordinary section. In cases of large tumors (Types III〜VI) relation of the tumor to the surrounding structures such as the sphenoid sinus, third ventricle, lateral ventricle, middle fossa and brain stem was accurately demonstrated by the reverse section. In the differential diagnosis of tumors in the pituitary region, tumors showing mixed density or slightly high density and widening of the antero-posterior diameter of the sella in the precontrast reverse section and homogeneous enhancement by infusion were likely to be pituitary adenomas. One third of the pituitary adenomas showed ring-like high density in the post-contrast reverse section. Calcification was not seen in the pituitary adenomas by CT scans. All craniopharyngiomas belonged to TypesIII+VI. Craniopharyngiomas showed high and/or low density, and various degrees of calcification in plain CT scans. Ring-like high density was seen in two thirds of the craniopharyngiomas About one third of the craniopharyngiomas showed widening of the antero-posterior diameter of the sella. The subnasal transsphenoidal approach was applied to patients with tumors of Types I〜III, and su bcapsular total removal of the tumor was successfully performed. For older or severely complicated patients with tumors of Type IV, the subnasal transsphenoidal approach was also an appropriate method to decompress the optic nerve effectively and safely.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1981-08-15
清水 庸夫
清水 庸夫
清水 庸夫
田村 勝
村田 稔
井上 洋
関東脳神経外科病院 脳神経外科
田村 勝
井上 洋
川淵 純一
村田 稔
三隅 修三
井上 洋
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- 多発性神経膠腫
- 135 小児の外科的頭蓋内感染症(脳神経外科 (II))
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- 133 Dysraphic States の外科(脳神経外科 (I))
- European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ESPN) の第15回コングレス参会記
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- 高血圧性脳出血-1-治療方針と生命および機能的予後
- B-65 幼小児頭蓋骨々折の予後について(脳神経)
- B-5 水頭症に対する脳室心房吻合術, 脳室腹膜腔吻合術の合併症とくに吻合管閉塞の原因について(脳・神経 (I))
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- 脊髄血管奇形に対する定位的放射線治療
- Moyamoya 病における脳循環動態
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