Medulloblastomaの神経管外転移 : 2剖検例と文献的考察
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This paper deals with the clinicopathological findings in two cases of cerebellar mudulloblastoma with extraneural metastasis. These two cases fulfill Weiss' minimal criteria for confirmation of extraneural metastasis of a glioma. The first case was an 1 8 month-old boy with a 14 month clinical history. A ventriculoperitoneal shunt was performed, followed by three series of Linac irradiations, for a total dose of 13,750 rads. An autopsy revealed a cerebellar vermis tumor accompanied by ventricular and spinal subarachnoidal seeding. Milliary metastatic nodules were noticed macroscopically in the liver, and microscopic deposits were also recognized in the right ventricular wall of the heart, pericardium, lumbar vertebrae, capsules of the pancreas and spleen, and adipose tissue surrounding the adrenal gland. Tumor cell invasion in a small vein within the vermis tumor was thought to be a cause of blood-stream metastases. The second case was a 10 year-old boy with a clinical history of 16 months. The cerebellar vermis tumor was partially removed and a ventriculoperitoneal shunt was performed at the same time. The patient was given radio-therapy, 4,000 rads in the whole brain, 4,000 rads in the upper spinal canal and 3,000 rads in the lower spinal canal. One month later he felt pain in the hip joint and lower back. Radiography showed osteolytic changes in the pelvis and femoral bone, and later in the humerus, ribs and scapulas. Local irradiation of bony metastase was effective for a while. An autopsy revealed a small tumor remnant in the cerebellar vermis accompanied by spinal subarachnoidal seeding. Systemic bony metastasis was confirmed with no metastasis to the internal organs and lymphoid tissues. The dura mater at the primary site of the tumor was invaded by tumor cells, and this seemed to be the route of blood-spread metastasis. Approximately 80 cases of cerebellar medulloblastoma with extraneural metastasis have been reported in assorted report. The mode and site of metastasis, diagnosis and treatment are critically reviewed in this paper.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1980-03-15
田村 勝
田村 勝
深町 彰
深町 彰
川淵 純一
若尾 哲夫
石田 陽一
深町 彰
石田 陽一
堀 貞夫
石田 陽一
群馬大学 第1病理
若尾 哲夫
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- 脳腫瘍の病理 : その2
- 脳腫瘍の病理
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- 小脳glioblastoma : 自験例と文献的考察
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- 脳膿瘍 : 補助診断法を中心に
- 脳卒中の外科--破裂脳動脈瘤の病態生理と外科的治療方針 (脳卒中の臨床の焦点)
- 胸部に転移のみられた髄膜腫の2例 : 細胞学的検索
- 多発性神経膠腫
- 135 小児の外科的頭蓋内感染症(脳神経外科 (II))
- A10. 小児重症頭部外傷 : とくに小児外傷性遷延性昏睡の予後を中心として
- 133 Dysraphic States の外科(脳神経外科 (I))
- 高血圧性脳出血-2-外側型出血および内側型出血における片麻痺とその回復過程
- 高血圧性脳出血-1-治療方針と生命および機能的予後
- B-65 幼小児頭蓋骨々折の予後について(脳神経)
- B-5 水頭症に対する脳室心房吻合術, 脳室腹膜腔吻合術の合併症とくに吻合管閉塞の原因について(脳・神経 (I))
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- Moyamoya 病における脳循環動態
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- 脳循環動態よりみた脳動静脈奇形の手術適応