Moyamoya 病における脳循環動態
- 論文の詳細を見る
Many reports about moyamoya disease were published, but there were a few reports dealing with hemodynamic aspects in cases with moyamoya disease.<BR>In this study, regional cerebral blood flow values (rCBF values) were measured at resting state and during 5% CO<SUB>2</SUB> inhalation by Xe-133 clearance method in 11 cases with moyamoya disease and in 5 cases with unilateral moyamoya phenomenon in cerebral angiography and hemodynamic aspects in those cases were discussed.<BR>The examination was carried out in chronic phase more than 3 months after subarachnoid hemorrhage or transient ischemic attack. In 11 cases with moyamoya disease, 3 cases were children under 20 years-old and 8 cases were adult. Five cases with unilateral moyamoya phenomenon were all adult.<BR>At the resting state, rCBF values were normal in 5 cases and abnormally low in 3 cases out of 8 adult cases, and abnormally low in all 3 young cases. In cases with unilateral moyamoya phenomenon, rCBF values were normal in 3 cases and slightly low in 2 cases. Clinical features and EEG findings were not different between those 2 groups.<BR>rCBF measurements during 5% CO<SUB>2</SUB> inhalation were carried out in 9 cases with moyamoya disease and 4 cases with unilateral moyamoya phenomenon. Increase of rCBF values compaired with the values at resting state was found in 3 cases out of 7 adult cases with moyamoya disease and in all 4 cases with unilateral moyamoya phenomenon, but was not noted in 2 young cases with moyamoya disease.<BR>Those results indicate that discrepancy of hemodynamic conditions is noted between cases with moyamoya disease and cases with unilateral moyamoya phenomenon. Furthermore, the discrepancy is also found between adult cases and young cases with moyamoya disease. The reason of those discrepancy can not be fully explained yet, but it is supposed to be mainly due to the difference of anastomotic conditions in small cortical branches in those cases.
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- Moyamoya 病における脳循環動態
- 脳循環動態よりみた脳動静脈奇形の手術適応