Fluctuations in the Membrane Potential in Excitation Process of Nitella
- 論文の詳細を見る
Excitation process of Nitella internode has been investigated in a view of anonlinear response to an external force. We have measured Lime dependence of mem-brane action potentials caused by stimulations with the same pulse height. The poten-tial in the excitation process takes slightly different time course for every stimulation,and the path fluctuations are found to be enhanced in two regions; one is an earlystage immediately after a stimulation and the other a recovering stage following thepeak of the depolarization. These anomalies can be understood by means of a relaxa-lion theory which deals with fluctuations in a transient prc>cess.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1987-09-15
川久保 達之
Department of Applied Physics,Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kawakubo Tatsuyuki
Deparment Of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
YAMASAKI Hiromichi
Department of Applied Physics,Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tsuchiya Y
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science. Niigata University
Tsuchiya Yoshimi
Department Of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tsuchiya Yoshimi
Deparment Of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Yamasaki Hiromichi
Department Of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
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