Electrical Circuit Simulation of Membrane Excitation
- 論文の詳細を見る
Behaviors of membrane excitation due to square pulse current and constant currentstimulations were simulated by a current controlled negative resistance circuit modelwhich shows low and high conductance depending on the intensity of stimulation.The simulation realized the all-or-none response to a pulse current stimulation andthe variety of repetitive responses to a constant current stimulation.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1986-10-15
川久保 達之
Kawakubo Tatsuyuki
Deparment Of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Guang-rong Qin
Department Of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology:department Of Physics Beijing Normal Uni
Qin Guang-rong
Department of Applied Physics,Tokyo Institute of Technology:Department of Physics,Beijing Normal University
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