Correlation Effects on the Phonons Localized around a Soliton or a Polaron in Polyacetylene
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Structures of phonon modes are investigated, when there is a charged soliton, aspin soliton or a polaron in trans-polyacetylene. Electron correlations are consideredin the form of the on-site and nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsions, in addition tothe electron-phonon Hamiltonian by Su, Schrieffer and Heeger. The Flartree-Fock ap-proximation is used. All the localized phonons, previously found in the SSH model,survive the electron correlations so far as the ground states are in the bond order wavestate. Their frequencies are shifted by the correlations. In most cases, the shift by theon-site repulsion is in the opposite direction to that by the nearest-neighbor repulsion.A charged soliton gives the frequency shifts which are in the opposite direction tothose by a spin soliton.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1987-12-15
ONO Yoshiyuki
Department of Physics,Toho University
Wada Yasushi
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo : Tohoku University Of Art And Design
Wada Yasushi
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo:institute For Theoretical Physics University Of California
Yonemitsu Kenji
Inst. Molecular Sci. Aichi
Wada Y
Tohoku University Of Art And Design
Wada Yasushi
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Ono Yoshiyuki
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo:department Of Physics Toho University
Department of Physics,University of Tokyo
Wada Yasuhiro
Department Of Materials Science Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
Yonemitsu Kenji
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
Ono Yoshiyuki
Department Of Physicis Toho University
WADA Yasushi
Tohoku University of Art and Design
Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Wada Yasushi
Department of Materials Science,Faculty of Science,Hiroshima University
- Scaling Behavior of Level Statistics in Quantum Hall Regime
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- On Thermo- and Photo-Induced Symmetry-Broken Transformation in Spin-Crossover Complex : Cooperative Activation (Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Electron Diffusion in a Two-Dimensional Disordered Symplectic System with Electron-Phonon Interactions(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Electron Transport and Time-Dependent Perturbation in a Two-Dimensional Symplectic System
- Electron Transport and Time-Dependent Perturbation in a Two-Dimensional Symplectic System
- Phonon Dispersion Relations in Two-dimensional Peierls Phase(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Multi Mode Phonon Softening in Two-Dimensional Electron-Lattice System
- Critical Level Statistics in Two-Dimensional Disordered Electron Systems
- Anisotropic Fractal Dimensionality of Electronic States in Confined Two Dimensional System Subject to Strong Magnetic Field
- Hall Current Distributions in Quantum Hall Effect on Finite Cylinder Surface. II. Gate Barrier Effect
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- Quantum Hall Conductivity and the Electronic States in Cylinder Geometry with Finite Width
- Fractionally Charged States in Quarter-Filled Electron-Phonon Systems^*
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- Structure of Charge Density Waves in Nearly Quarter-Filled One-Dimensional Electron-Phonon Systems
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- Motion of Charged Soliton in Polyacetylene Due to Electric Field. IV. : Damping of Soliton Velocity
- Motion of Charged Soliton in Polyacetylene Due to Electric Field.III. : Energetics
- Motion of Charged Soliton in Polyacetylene Due to Electric Field.II. : Behavior of Width
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- Fractionally Charged States in One-Dimensional Electron-Phonon Systems with Commensurability 3
- Brownian Motion of a Soliton in Trans-Polyacetylene.II.Friction Mechanism
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- Soliton-Phonon Interactions in trans-Polyacetylene
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- 28. Two-Dimensional Anderson Localization under Strong Maqnetic Fields(Theories,IV. Quantized Hall Effects)
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