Local-Field Correction and Dynamical Structure Factor of Electron Liquids
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The local-field correction (LFC) and the dynamical structure factor s(k,ω) of electron liquids at metallic density are studied by employing the memory function formalism. A density-density response function is expressed in terms of that of a non-interacting electron system and an effective potential. A formally exact expression for effective potential is shown to have a close interrelationship to the LFC, which is composed of two parts, static and dynamic. The dynamical structure factor S(k,ω) is calculated by taking an interaction part of a second-oeder memory function to be Gaussian and by introducing parameters for the wavenumber dependence of the low- and high-frequency limits of the effective potential. It is shown by comparing it with the experimental results for Al, Be and Li that the dynamic nature of the LFC plays a fundamental role in determining the properties of S(k,ω) in the intermediate wavenumber domain.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1980-07-25
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University
Yasuhara Hiroshi
College Of General Education Tohoku University
Takeno Shozo
Department Of General Education Osaka Institute Of Technology
Yoshida Fukuo
Reseaerch Reactor Institute Kyoyo University
Yoshida Fukuo
Research Reactor Institute Kyoro University
Yasuhara Hiroshi
College Of Arts And Science Tohoku University
Takeno Shozo
Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering and Design Kyoto Institute of Technology
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