- 論文の詳細を見る
Pinus luchuensis MAYR can be found throughout in Okinawa Prefecture (Subtropical Zone) on the photoperiods ranging from 11 to 15 hr. The terminal buds of this pine are not considered to be induced into the winter dormant state requiring winter chilling for its release. It is considered also that the shoot growth (internode elongation) of this pine is active on the photoperiods of 14 to l5 hr, and that leaf-primor-dia differentiation (activity of apical meristem) is active on the photoperiods of 11 to 12 hr. Therefore, on the intermediate photoperiods of 12 to 14 hr, the balance between growth and differentiation is kept on a 50-50 basis, and the balanced continuous shoot growth without branching (fox-tailing) is induced. In fact, a higher incidence of foxtailing was observed on the photoperiods of 12 and 13 hr without any special temperature control (Fig. 1-5 and Table 1). Under the temperature controlled conditions, however, not only photoperiod but also temperature is shown to have a great influence on inducing foxtailing. The highest incidence (80%) of foxtailing for over 500 days was observed on 12-hr phtoperiods at a constant temperature of 25℃. While no foxtailing was observed on 12-hr photoperiods of a 25℃ day temperature (8 hr) with a 15℃ night temperature (16 hr) as well as on 16 hr phtoperiods at a constant temperature of 25℃ (Fig. 6-8 and Table 2). Therefore,a low incidence of foxtailing at high elevations and latitudes seems to result from the longer photoperiods (high latitudes) and the greater difference between day and night temperatures(high elevations and latitudes). True foxtailing is the balanced continuous shoot growth without branching taking place in the area with small annual and diurnal fluctuations in temperature in the Tropical Zone (photoperiods of 12-14hr). In this case, both leaf-primordia differentiation and internode elongation do occur together withoutcorrelated inhibition throughout the year.
- 三重大学の論文
万木 豊
櫛田 達矢
Japan Academy of Ecological Education
永田 洋
櫛田 達矢
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