Analysis of Two-Phase Path Management Scheme for MPLS Traffic Engineering
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Traffic Engineering (TE) is important for improving QoS in forwarding paths by efficient use of network resources. In fact, MPLS allows several detour paths to be (pre-)established for some source-destination pair as well as its primary path of minimum hops. Thus, we focus on a two-phase path management scheme using these two kinds of paths. In the first phase, each primary path is allocated to a flow on a specific source-destination pair if the path is not congested, i.e., if its utilization is less than some predetermined threshold; otherwise, as the second phase, one of the detour paths is allocated randomly if the path is available. Therefore, in this paper, we analytically evaluate this path management scheme by extending the M/M/c/c queueing system, and through some numerical results we investigate the impact of a threshold on the flow-blocking probability. Through some numerical results, we discuss the adequacy of the path management scheme for MPLS-TE.
- (社)電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2009-01-01
Tamura H
R&d Center Kasado Administrative Division Power & Industrial Systems Hitachi Ltd.
Oie Y
Kyushu Inst. Technol. Fukuoka Jpn
Oie Yuji
Kyushu Inst. Technol. Iizuka‐shi Jpn
Oie Yuji
The Department Of Computer Science And Electronics Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Oie Yuji
Department Of Computer Scienece And Electronics Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Oie Yuji
Telecommunications Advancement Organization Of Japan:department Of Computer Science And Electronics
Kawahara K
Department Of Computer Scienece And Electronics Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Kawahara Kenji
The Department Of Computer Science And Electronics Kyushu Institute Of Technology
OIE Yuji
Network Design Research Center, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Kawahara K
Network Design Research Center Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Tamura H
Department Of Computer Science And Electronics Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Oie Yuji
Network Design Research Center Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Tamura Hitomi
Network Design Research Center Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Network Design Research Center, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Tamura Hitoshi
Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
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