Ascending pain-related pathways to the anterior cingulate cortex : retrograde transneuronal tracing with rabies virus
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-07-31
TAKADA Masahiko
Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Health Sciences University of Hokka
Department of Pediatrics, Sendai City Hospital
Nakagawa Hiroshi
Department Of Diagnostic Ultrasound And Medical Electronics Sapporo Medical University
MIYACHI Shigehiro
Department of System Neuroscience, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience, Tokyo Metropolitan
Department of System Neuroscience, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience, Tokyo Metropolitan
Department of Physiology, School of Dentistry at Tokyo, Nippon Dental University
TSUBOI Yoshiyuki
Department of Physiology, School of Dentistry, Nihon University
IWATA Koichi
Department of Physiology, School of Dentistry, Nihon University
Takada Masahiko
Department Of Physiology School Of Dentistry At Tokyo Nippon Dental University
Takada Masahiko
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Scicences Health Sciences University Of Hokkaido:(present Address)sapporo
Department of Physiology, Nihon University, School of Dentistry
Miyachi Shigehiro
Department Of System Neuroscience Tokyo Metropolitan Institute For Neuroscience Tokyo Metropolitan O
Miyachi Shigehiro
Department Of System Neuroscience Tokyo Metropolitan Institute For Neuroscience
Takada Masahiko
Department Of Morphological Brain Science Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Iwata Koichi
Department Of Mechanical Engineering College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Iwata Koichi
Department Of Physiology School Of Dentistry Nihon University
Iwata Koichi
Nihon Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Iwata Koichi
Depertment Of Oral Physiology Faculty Of Dentistry Osaka University
Teramoto Kohei
Department Of Physiology Nihon University School Of Dentistry
Tsuboi Yoshiyuki
Department Of Physiology Division Of Pathophysiology Dental Research Center Nihon University School
Tsuboi Yoshiyuki
Department Of Physiology School Of Dentistry Nihon University
Iwata Koichi
Department Of Chemistry And Research Centre For Spectrochemistry School Of Science The University Of
Imanishi Michiko
Department Of System Neuroscience Tokyo Metropolitan Institute For Neuroscience Tokyo Metropolitan O
Imanishi Michiko
Department Of Nurobiology Tokyo Metrolopitan Institute For Neurosclence
Kitagawa Junichi
Department Of Physiology School Of Dentistry At Tokyo Nippon Dental University
Kitagawa Junichi
Department Of Physiology Nippon Dental University School Of Life Dentistry At Tokyo
Nakagawa Hiroshi
Department Of Biological Sciences Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Nakagawa Hiroshi
Department Of Physiology Nihon University School Of Dentistry
Miyachi Shigehiro
Department Of Physiology School Of Life Dentistry At Tokyo Nippon Dental University
Takahashi Masashi
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Kitagawa Junichi
Department of Internal Medicine, Kisogawa Municipal Hospital
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