Relationship between skeletal uptake of ^<99m>Tc-HMDP and bone mineral density in elderly women
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-02-01
TAKADA Masahiko
Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Health Sciences University of Hokka
Takahashi Masashi
Dep. Of Radiology Shiga Univ. Of Medical Sci.
Morita R
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Morita Rikushi
Department Of Neurosurgery Kinki University Medical School
Yamamoto Itsuo
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Department of Radiology, Shiga University of Medical Science
Department of Radiology, Shiga University of Medical Science
Kigami Yusuke
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Ohta T
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Ohta Toyotsugu
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Takada Masahiko
Department Of Physiology School Of Dentistry At Tokyo Nippon Dental University
Department of Radiology,Shiga University of Medical Science
Takada Masahiko
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Scicences Health Sciences University Of Hokkaido:(present Address)sapporo
Takada Masahiko
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Higashi-nippon-gakuen University
Matsushita Ryouji
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Department of Orthopedics, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
OTA Toyotsugu
Department of Radiology, Shiga University of Medical Science
Ohnishi Hideo
Department Of Radiology And Division Of Nuclear Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Ohnishi Hideo
Department Of Orthopedic Surgery School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Hea
Takada Masahiko
Department Of Morphological Brain Science Faculty Of Medicine Kyoto University
Ota Toyotsugu
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Ota Toyotsugu
Department Of Radiology Mitsubishi Kyoto Hospital
Hamanaka Yasuyo
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Hamanaka Yasuyo
Department Of Radiology Kyoto City Hospital
Takahashi Masashi
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Department of Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, Kyoto University School of Medicine
Department of Radiology and Division of Nuclear Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
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