Urinary pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline as bone metabolic markers in predicting therapeutic effects of estrogen and alfacalcidol in women with osteoporosis
Miura Hiroaki
Hikone Research Laboratories Maruho Co. Ltd.
Miura Hiroaki
滋賀医科大学 放射線医
Morita R
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Morita Rikushi
Department Of Neurosurgery Kinki University Medical School
Yamamoto Itsuo
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
ZHAN Zhiwei
Department of Endocrinology, Xiao Xi Tian No. 262 Hospital
Zhan Zhiwei
Department Of Endocrinology Xiao Xi Tian No. 262 Hospital
Matsushita Ryouji
Department Of Radiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Department of Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, Kyoto University School of Medicine
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- 私にとっての日本骨代謝学会
- 症例12
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