^<123>I-IMP SPECTによる定量的脳血流測定 : dynamic収集データを用いた入力関数による新しい算出法
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-02-20
松田 昌之
National Cardiovascular Center
山本 逸雄
森田 陸司
Kakeji Yoshihiro
九州大学 医学研究院外科学
大西 英雄
喜多 義邦
Division Of Preventive Cardiology National Cardiovascular Center
Kotani Yasushi
国立循環器病センター 予防検診
増田 一孝
大西 英雄
松田 昌之
滋賀医科大学 脳神経外科
松田 昌之
滋賀医科大学 小児科
辻 篤司
滋賀医科大学 脳神経外科
森田 陸司
Kawano Yuhei
国立循環器病センター 高血圧腎臓内科
Kaneko Yoshihiro
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Yokohama City University Hospital
李 英彦
高田 政彦
Kokubo Yoshihiro
国立循環器病センター研究所 疫学部
Kokubo Yoshihiro
愛媛大学 医学系研究科医療環境情報解析学講座公衆衛生健康医学
Maehara Yoshihiko
Department Of Surgery And Science Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Kaneda Yasufumi
Division Of Gene Therapy Science Osaka University
Kakeji Yoshihiro
Department Of Surgery And Science Graduate School Of Medical Science Kyushu University
辻 篤司
京都大学医学部附属病院 病理
Kasai Y
Dept Gastroenterological Surgery Nagoya Univ.
Kasai Yasushi
名古屋大学 医学部第2内科
Kasai Yasushi
Department Of Surgery Ii Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Kaneko Yoshihiro
Department Of Internal Medicine Jikei University School Of Medicine
Miyata Yasuji
九州大学 医系研究 病態制御内科
大西 英雄
Katanosaka Yuki
喜多 義邦
島根大学 医学部環境保健医学講座公衆衛生学
Kosakai Yoshio
Department Of Cardiovascldar Surgery National Cardiovascudar Center
森田 陸司
Morita Rikushi
Department Of Neurosurgery Kinki University Medical School
Kita Yoshikuni
Department Of Health Science Shiga University Of Medical Science
Kokubo Yoshihiro
Cardiovascular Division National Cardiovascular Center
高田 政彦
滋賀医科大学 放射線医学教室
Kaetsu Yasuhiro
Department Of Multidisciplinary Internal Medicine Tottori University Faculty Of Medicine
Maehara Yoshihiko
Department Of Surgery And Medical Science Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Maehara Yoshihiko
The Surgical Site Infection Study Group Department Of Surgery And Science Graduate School Of Medical
Yoshihiro Kanako
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Yokohama City University School Of Medicine
Kakeji Yosihiro
九州大学 医学研究院消化器・総合外科
Yoshita Katsushi
Project For The National Health And Nutrition Survey National Institute Of Health And Nutrition
Kadoshima Yoko
Department Of Public Health Kanazawa Medical University
山本 逸雄
Kaneda Yoshio
The 1st Dept. Of Pathology Tokyo Women's Medical College
Kokubo Yoshihiro
国立循環器病センター 予防検診部
Kawase Yoshio
Cardiology Divison National Cardiovascular Center Osaka
Kasai Y
Nagoya Univ. School Of Medicine Nagoya Jpn
Yoshihiro Kanako
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Yokohama City University Hospital
Kaneko Y
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Yokohama City University School Of Medicine
Kakizawa Yoshiko
Department Of Cardiology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Yasui Kenzo
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Aichi Cancer Center Hospital
Kakeji Yoshihiro
Department Of Surgery Ii Faculty Of Medicine Kyushu University
Kaneda Yoshio
Hijc Investigators
Yoshinaga Kaoru
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Tohoku University School Of Medicine And Henry Ford Hospi
Koyama Yasushi
Department Of Cardiology Ehime Imabari Hospital
Matsuoka Yojiro
Department Of Surgery And Science Graduate School Of Medical Science Kyushu University
Miyata Yasuji
Division Of Molecular And Genetic Medicine Department Of Genetic Medicine And Regenerative Therapeut
Yoshinaga K
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Maehara Yoshihiro
Department Of Surgery And Science Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Kaetsu Yasuhiro
Division Of Molecular Medicine And Therapeutics Department Of Multidisciplinary Internal Medicine To
Kakizawa Yoshiko
Hijc Investigators
Kaneda Yasufumi
Division Of Hypertension And Nephrology Department Of Medicine National Cardiovascular Center
Kito Yoshitsugu
National Cardiovascular Center
辻 篤司
社会医療法人誠光会 草津総合病院 脳神経外科
高田 政彦
森田 陸司
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