New Route to Fabricate Ferromagnetic Semiconductors without Transition Metal Elements
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Society of Applied Physicsの論文
- 2004-04-15
佐藤 勝昭
Satoh K
Faculty Of Engineering Fukui University Of Technology
SATO Kazunori
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR), Osaka University
Katayama (yoshida)
The Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osaka University
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
SEIKE Masayoshi
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
Yanase A
The Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research Osake University
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- Crystalline Field Effect in Magnetic Compounds RNi
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- Magnetic Properties of Single-Crystalline Pr_3Co
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- de Haas-van Alphen Effect in the Antiferromagnetic Compound SmIn_3
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- High Field Magnetoresistance and de Haas-van Alphen Effect in UGe_2
- de Haas-van Alphen Effect in the Antiferromagnetic Substance NdCu_6
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- CoCrPt垂直単結晶薄膜の作製
- ダマシン法による磁性体ナノ構造の作製と評価II
- MBE法によるGaAs,Mn交互供給によるGaMnAs薄膜の作製 : エピタキシャル成長III
- First-Principles Study on the Ferromagnetism and Curie Temperature of Mn-Doped AlX and InX (X=N, P, As, and Sb)(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- 日本結晶成長学会創立30周年によせて(第2章 歴史,日本結晶成長学会創立30周年記念)
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- CoCrPt垂直単結晶薄膜の磁気光学特性
- CoCrPt薄膜の磁気第二高調波発生
- MOD法によるBi置換YIG薄膜の作製
- スピントロニクスの進展と展望
- 磁気光学材料の基礎と光通信への応用
- 磁気光学効果による3d遷移金属/貴金属多層膜の磁気特性の解明
- 新規材料の結晶成長(第13回結晶成長国際会議(ICCG-13/ICVGE-11))
- カルコパイライト型磁性半導体の作製と評価
- 垂直磁化膜へのFIBによる微小磁性ドットの作製と評価
- Mn-CdGeP_24元系化合物の磁気的性質
- 28aYE-6 コメント : d波超伝導体実験より
- 27pYS-6 カルコパイライト系磁性半導体での室温強磁性発現
- 28aYE-6 コメント : d波超伝導体実験より
- 27pYS-6 カルコパイライト系磁性半導体での室温強磁性発現
- 光を用いた微小領域磁性の観測
- 新材料開発 室温で強磁性を発揮する磁性半導体
- アートからアートへ
- 磁気光学効果測定のための近接場光学系
- 非線形磁気光学効果による金属人工格子界面の評価
- 分子線エピタキシー法によるMnBi薄膜の作製と評価
- 分子線エピタキシー法によるMnBi薄膜の作製 : エピキタシャル成長V
- 非線形磁気光学効果による[Fe(xML)/Au(xML)]人工格子界面の評価
- de Haas-van Alphen Effect and Magnetoresistance in Ferromagnetic RENi
- Materials Design of Ferromagnetic Diamond
- Materials Design of Transparent and Half-Metallic Ferromagnets of MgO, SrO and BaO without Magnetic Elements(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- New Class of Diluted Ferromagnetic Semiconductors based on CaO without Transition Metal Elements
- Material Design of Transparent, Half-Metallic and Room-Temperature Ferromagnets in I_2-VI Semiconductors with 4d Transition Metal Element
- Design of Transparent, Half-Metallic Ferromagnetic 4d-Transition-Metal-Doped K_2S with High Curie Temperature
- New Route to Fabricate Ferromagnetic Semiconductors without Transition Metal Elements
- Materials Design of 4d-Transition-Metal-Doped Transparent and Half-Metallic Ferromagnets with K_2S-Based Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
- New High-T_c Half-Heusler Ferromagnets NiMnZ (Z=Si, P, Ge, As)(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Materials Design of CuAlO2-Based Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors by First-Principles Calculations and Monte Carlo Simulations
- First-Principles Materials Design of CuAlO2 Based Dilute Magnetic Semiconducting Oxide
- Materials design for new functional semiconductors by ad initio electronic structure calculation : Prediction vs. experiment
- Design of Transparent, Half-Metallic Ferromagnetic $4d$-Transition-Metal-Doped K2S with High Curie Temperature
- New Route to Fabricate Ferromagnetic Semiconductors without Transition Metal Elements
- New Class of Diluted Ferromagnetic Semiconductors based on CaO without Transition Metal Elements
- High Curie Temperature and Nano-Scale Spinodal Decomposition Phase in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors
- Spinodal Decomposition under Layer by Layer Growth Condition and High Curie Temperature Quasi-One-Dimensional Nano-Structure in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors
- Computational Nano-materials Design for Colossal Thermoelectric-cooling Power by Adiabatic Spin-Entropy Expansion in Nano-superstructures
- 先見性をもって視聴科学の研究を主導(オーラルヒストリー樋渡涓二名誉会員)