Three-Dimensional Micromachining of PTFE Using Synchrotron Radiation Light
Ritsumeikan University
Sugiyama S
Ritsumeikan Univ.
Sugiyama Susumu
Faculty Of Science And Engineering Ritsumeikan University
Sugiyama Susumu
Faculty Of Science And Egineering Ritsumeikan University
NISHI Nobuyoshi
Faculty of Science and Egineering, Ritsumeikan University
KATOH Takanori
Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.
UENO Hiroshi
Faculty of Science and Egineering, Ritsumeikan University
Ueno Hiroshi
Department Of Veterinary Public Health School Of Veterinary Medicine Rakuno-gakuen University
Katoh Takanori
Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd.
Nishi Nobuyoshi
Faculty Of Science And Egineering Ritsumeikan University
- Novel Three-Axis Solid-state Micro Accelerometer with Surrounding Beam Structure
- A Micromachined Thermal Flow Sensor Applied to A PC Mouse Device
- Design and Simulation of a Novel 3-DOF MEMS Convective Gyroscope
- Novel Three-Axis Solid-state Micro Accelerometer with Surrounding Beam Structure
- Fabrication and Characterization of Smooth Si Mold for Hot Embossing Process
- Development of a Flexible Thermopile Power Generator Utilizing BiTe-Cu Thin Films
- Three-Dimensional Micromachining of PTFE Using Synchrotron Radiation Light
- Fabrication of Sub-Micron Structures with High Aspect Ratio for Practical MEMS (特集:立体的微細加工)
- Design and Fabrication of Polymer Electrostatic Comb-Drive Actuators for Micro Conveyer Systems
- 特集論文 Inelastic Constitutive Relationship of Electroplated Nickel Films at Elevated Temperatures for Design of Micro Connector (特集:MEMS/NEMS材料特性および信頼性評価)
- Developing a Wearable System with MEMS Accelerometer for Real-Time Activity Monitoring
- A Point Mass Circular Movement Gyroscope
- Development of a 3-DOF Micro Accelerometer with Wireless Readout
- Optimization of PZT Diaphragm Pump for the Convective Gyroscope
- A Dual Axis Accelerometer Utilizing Low Doped Silicon Thermistor
- Fabrication of Diaphragm Actuator using Bulk PZT
- Bonding of Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramics to Si Single Crystals for Microdevices
- Development, Strength and Functional Evaluation of Plastic Microneedle Array Fabricated by Injection Molding
- Development of Plastic Injection Molding Using the LIGA Process
- Micro Connector for High Packaging Density Fabricated by Using UV Thick Photoresist
- Low-Resistivity Highly Transparent Indium-Tin-Oxide Thin Films Prepared at Room Temperature by Synchrotron Radiation Ablation
- Deposition of Polyethylene Thin Films Using Synchrotron Radiation Ablation
- Piezoresistive Force Sensor Utilizing Combination of Three-Axis Stress Components
- Mirror Deformation by Piezoelectric Actuators
- Characteristics of Polycrystalline Si Nano Wire Piezoresistors
- Design of Micro Multi-Axis Force-Moment Sensor
- Self-standing Polysilicon-metal Thermopile for Micro Power Generator
- A Study on the Sub-Micron LIGA Process
- Simulation for Submicron 3D-Structures based on Plane-pattern to the Cross-section Transfer (PCT) Technique
- X-ray Mask with SiC Membrane for LIGA Process
- Characterization of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae Detected in Dogs and Ticks in Okinawa, Japan
- First Detection of Ehrlichia platys in Dogs and Ticks in Okinawa, Japan
- Seroprevalence of Antibodies against Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia among Dogs and Humans in Okinawa, Japan
- Detection of Coxiella burnetii from Dust in a Barn Housing Dairy Cattle
- Seasonal Variations in the Presence of Antibodies against Coxiella burnetii in Dairy Cattle in Hokkaido, Japan
- Serological Survey of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia in Wild Rats in Thailand in the 1970s
- Does Coinfection of Bartonella henselae and FIV Induce Clinical Disorders in Cats?
- Seroepidemiological Survey of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus in Wild House Mice in China with Particular Reference to Their Subspecies
- The Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in the Environment of Dairy Farms
- Seroepidemiological Survey of Bartonella (Rochalimaea) henselae in Domestic Cats in Japan
- Significance of the Four Carboxyl Terminal Amino Acid Residues of Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease A for Structural Folding
- Effect of Mutagenic Replacement of the Carboxyl Terminal Amino Acid, Val124, on the Properties and Regeneration of Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease A
- Shape Prediction of 3-D Microstructures Fabricated by PCT Technique and Synchrotron Radiation Lithography
- Carboxypeptidase Y: Structural Basis for Protein Sorting and Catalytic Triad
- Proton-Relay System of Carboxypeptidase Y as a Sole Catalytic Site: Studies on Mutagenic Replacement of His 397
- Development and Characterization of a Small Ring-Shaped Ultrasonic Probe for Biopsies
- Focusing Hard X-Ray with a Single Lens : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Electrochemical Selective Detection of Uric Acid Using a Copper-modified Carbon Electrode
- Nanostrain Sensing Based on Piezo-Optic Property of a Photonic Crystal Cavity
- Shape-prediction of 3D PTFE Microstructures Fabricated by Synchrotron Radiation Ablation
- Nanostrain Sensing Based on Piezo-Optic Property of a Photonic Crystal Cavity
- First-Principles Simulation on Orientation Dependence of Piezoresistance Properties in Silicon Nanowires
- Fabrication and Basic Characterization of a Piezoelectric Valveless Micro Jet Pump
- Bonding of Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramics to Si Single Crystals for Microdevices
- Fabrication of Microdevices Using Bulk Ceramics of Lead Zirconate Titanate