:Finger Function Test
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In a previous study we established a method for assessment of the motor function in hemiplegia, which standardized tests for assessing recovery in the impaired side of the upper and lower extremities. This report describes a succeeding study carried out for assessment of the functional improvements of impaired fingers.<BR>A total of 277 patients with post-stroke hemiplegia were enrolled for evaluation of the 26 test items of the "finger motor function". Guttman's scalogram analysis suggested a unidimensional property not only in the original 26 itemes but also in the 9 items selected to determine a standard scale of 0-12 grades. Guttman's coefficient of reproducibility and Nishisato's PPR<SUP>*</SUP> (plus percentage ratio) for the 9 items were 0.940 and 0.713, respectively.<BR>Factor analysis, on the other hand, revealed a two-factor structure corresponding tothe evolution (2nd factor, F2) and dissolution (1st factor, F1) of a synergy movement pattern. The scatter diagram of factor scores (F1, F2) showed a Γ-shaped distribution composed of vertical and horizontal branches. The two-dimensional scatter diagram exhibits virtual continuity of F1 and F2, being consistent with the unidimensionality indicated by the scalogram analysis.<BR>The patients at the stage of synergy pattern formed the vertical component and those at the dissolution stages the horizontal, the jointing corner representing the turning point from evolution to dissolution of the synergy pattern.
- 一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会の論文
楠 正
菱川 保
佐久間 昭
上田 敏
木船 義久
菱川 保
武田薬品工業 (株) 開発システム部
菱川 保
楠 正
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