- 論文の詳細を見る
A double-blind controlled clinical trial was carried out in eight patients with typic-al effort angina pectoris to investigate the duration of the hemodynamic effectiveness of beta-blockers. Four treatment regimens (placebo, propranolol 20mg, penbutolol 4 mg, and 20mg) were allotted under double-blind randomized block design. A multi-stage ergometric exercise test was performed at eight hours after administra-tion, and respiratory function and hemodynamic parameters were continuously moni-tored during and after exercise. Statistical analyses were done using ANOVA for the sizes of the parameters and PANOVA for the behavior (the profiles of response curves) of the parameters.<BR>The profiles of these parameters"during and after exercise" indicate interactions between drug and time process. Regarding the sizes of heart rate and double product during and after exercise, statistical differences were observed among the treatment regimens with a significant decrease in the penbutolol 20mg group.Concerning the profiles of heart rate and double product during and after exercise, significant differ-ences were noted among the four treatment regimens with a significant decline in the penbutolol 20mg group.In addition, more distinct differences were recognized among the four treatment regimens with highly significant reductions in the penbuto-lol 20mg grorp, including effectiveness for the size of the parameters. These results suggest that penbutolol 20mg is clinically effective for at least eight hours following oral administration.
- 一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会の論文
藤原 秀臣
丹羽 明博
飯泉 智弘
佐久間 昭
谷口 興一
東京医科歯科大学 内科
藤原 秀臣
武内 重五郎
鰺坂 隆一
谷口 興一
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