- 論文の詳細を見る
The ralationship between the depth from the surface toward geometrical center of the material (X) and freezing or thawing time passing through the temperature zone (Y), which is between freezing or thawing point (FP) and the temperature or dT below it (FP-dT), is expressed as equation (1) : <BR>log Y=kx+log a……… (1) <BR>Beef (<I>Bos taurus brachycephalus</I>), White fifh meat (yellowtail ; <I>Seliola quinqueradiata</I>), Japanese radish (<I>Raphanus sativa var. raphanistroides</I>), Irish potato (<I>Solanum tuberosum</I>) and pasteurized cream cheese were used as wide variety of food materials, and k value and a value in equation (1) were calculated experimentally. The relationship between k value and a value is expressed as linear regression equation (2) : <BR>log k=-0.355 log a +1.06……… (2) <BR>If k value and a value are calculated experimentally, then new index value (I) of freezing or thawing rate can be derived as equation (3) : <BR>I = c<SUB>1</SUB> log a + c<SUB>2</SUB> log k……… (3) <BR>where I is tndex, c<SUB>1</SUB> and c<SUB>2</SUB> are constants determined by linear regression coefficients derived from log k and log a experimentally. <BR>I value is non-dimentional parameter and is able to express wide range of rate of freezing or thawing condition applied in food industry, the range of the index I value is determined from -4 (extremely rapid) to +2 (extremely slow).
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- タイトル無し
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