- 論文の詳細を見る
The compositions of diacyl glyceryl ethers in the flesh lipids of deep-sea teleost fish, Seriollela sp, and S. punctata, were determined. In these species, the flesh lipids yielded high levels of 13.8% and 11.5%, of which non-polar lipids occupied more than 97.3%. The contents of diacyl glyceryl ethers and triglycerides in non-polar lipids were 6.7% and 85.3% for Seriollela sp., and 2.0% and 90.2% for S. punctata, respectively. In these species, the amount of glyceryl ethers in unsaponi-fiables was greater than the amount of sterols: 56.6% (Seriollela sp.) and 46.8% (S. punctata) for the former, and 17.3% (Seriollela sp.) and 36.7% (S. punctata) for the latter. Both diacyl glyceryl ethers and glyceryl ethers were found in relatively large amounts in Seriollela sp, as compared with S. punctata. The glyceryl ether compositions of diacyl glyceryl ethers were similar in Seriollela sp. and S. punctata: the main components were 20: 1 (25.4%, 22.2%), 18:1 (19.6%, 16.9%), 16:0 (16.1%, 18.8%), 16:1 (6.5%, 9.5%), 22:1 (5.9%, 4.9%), 18:0 (5.1%, 5.7%), and 14:0 (5.1%, 8.9%), and most of these compounds were monoenoic (64.1 %, 59.4%). The fatty acid compositions of diacyl glyceryl ethers and triglycerides were also similar in both species, consisting predominantly of monoenoic acids with 18:1 acid as the main component. In contrast, those of polar lipids contained considerable amounts of polyenoic acids. Finally, the fatty acid compositions of non-polar lipids in Seriollela sp. and S. punctata were similar to those of other deep-sea fish harvested from the same area; all are rich in monoenoic acids.
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