- 論文の詳細を見る
The progress of rigor-mortis was followed together with ATP and arginine phosphate degradations and lactate accumulation during storage at 10, 5, 0, and -3°C of kuruma prawn decapitated and deshelled. The angle (D°) between caudal muscle and horizontal position of kuruma prawn on the table was used as a parameter of rigor tension. D° was 0° immediately after death and reached a maximum of 55° at a full-rigor state. Kuruma prawn set on rigor-mortis after 3 h, irrespective of storage temperatures. However, the progress of rigor-mortis was slower at 10 and 5° than at 0 and-3°C. According to the progress of rigor-mortis, arginine phosphate and ATP decreased, while lactate accumulated. At a full-rigor state, arginine phosphate disappeared and lactate content reached a maximum level. It seemed that lactate accumulation in the muscle correlated well with the progress of rigor-mortis. On the other hand, ATP was constant during the early storage and then it decreased gradually. When ATP disappeared, the muscle showed the stage of rigor resolution.It was noted that the disappearance of arginine phosphate preceded that of ATP. This relationbetween arginine phosphate and ATP in kuruma prawn was similar to the relation between creative phosphate and ATP in fish.
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