Ceftriaxone (CTRX) のヒト口腔組織移行について
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For clinical application of Ceftriaxone (CTRX) in the oral field, a pharmacokinetic analysis was performed for CTRX concentration in the oral tissues and dose of 1g CTRX was administered to 37 patients in one shot by intravenous injection.<BR>The following results were obtained.<BR>1) The half life of CTRX in serum was thus calculated to be 7.412 hour.<BR>2) The highest concentrations of CTRX were 39.5μg/g in the gum, 19.0μg/g in the bone and 45.7μg/g in the cyst wall. The half life of CTRX was 4.09 hours in the gum, 2.26 hours in the bone and 7.29 hours in the cyst wall.<BR>The above results suggest that CTRX had the most favorable affinity of cephem antibiotics in the oral tissues.
神谷 祐二
愛知学院大学 歯
高井 克憙
愛知学院大学 歯
水野 和生
山下 敏康
辻 雅明
深谷 昌彦
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