:Lyophilization procedure of cartilage
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Auricular and rib cartilages were taken from immature rabbits of 40 days post partum. Lyophilized cartilages were prepared by rapid freezing at -50°C with vacuum degree of 0.03 Torr.<BR>The results of this study on lyophilized cartilages are summarized as follows:<BR>1) Lyop ilized cartilages showed 10% reduction as compared to fresh cartilages. However, lyophilized cartilages recovered almost the same size and macroscopic findings as those fresh cartilages when immersed for 30 min in a phisiological saline solution.<BR>2) Histopathologically, lyophilized cartilages maintained their intrinsic cartilage structure.<BR>3) The residual moisture was 4.83% in a 5×5mm piece and 4.90% in a 5×10mm piece of the lyophilized auricular cartilage, while it was 4.32% and 4.50% in 5mm and 10mm pieces of the lyophilized rib cartilage respectively.<BR>4) Living cells were not observed in the tissue culture of lyophilized cartilages.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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