Surgical treatment for trismus following treatment of maxillary cancer.
- 論文の詳細を見る
A surgical opening procedure was successfully performed in a case of severe trismus appeared after the combination therapy of radiation, chemotherapy and salvage operation for treating maxillary cancer.<BR>By performing extensive removal of the ascending ramus area, excision of fibrous internal pterygoid and the coronoid process of temporal muscle, and partial resection of coronoid process of mandible and anterior margin of ascending ramus affected by osteomyelitis, the maximum opening area of front teeth increased from 5mm to 28mm. In consequence, maxillofacial prothodontic became possible to perform, resulted in a satisfactorily improved oral function.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
高井 克憙
愛知学院大学 歯
三原 学
水野 和生
大澤 守
古田 哲
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