Morning Glory Syndrome (朝顔症候群) を伴った正中唇裂の1例
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In this report, we presented a case of median cleft of the upper lip with morning glory syndrome.<BR>Morning glory synarome is a congenital optic nerve anomaly. It may be bilateral, hereditary and associated with other congenital anomalies. In this case, the upper-lip median cleft was associated with it.<BR>The patient had a flat broad nasal tip, short wide-ridged columella and an incomplete median cleft of the upper lip.<BR>Slight abnormalities of CT scanning were detected.<BR>Operation was done by triangular flap method for the construction of median cleft lip. The post operative course was good.
神谷 祐二
愛知学院大学 歯
荒尾 宗孝
愛知学院大学 歯
高井 克憙
愛知学院大学 歯
松本 修平
榎本 道彦
永田 肇
松本 修平
- 口臭症分類の試みとその治療必要性
- B-4-13 愛知学院歯学部における歯科心身医学の講義内容と学生の受けとめ方(心身医学教育)
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