唾石の構造的解析 : 核構築を中心に
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Ten salivary calculi in the submandibular duct, one salivary calculus in the submandibular gland, ten cholesterol gallstones, and ten renal calculi were used in this study. All were examined by the scanning electron microscope (SEM), computer aided microanalyser (CMA), and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS).<BR>The surface structure of salivary calculi was classified into three types. In one area a rocklike structure was observed. In another area there was a thickly polygonal-body type structure, and in another area a globular like structure was observed. In cholesterol gallstones, the surface was observed to have board-like crystals and in renal calculi, octahedron crystals.<BR>The cut surface of salivary calculi was morphologically made of core and stratiform structure. The core was organized by the gathering together of micro-cores. The distribution of Ca and P in the micro-core area was different from that in the other area. It was observed that the structure of the cut surface was formed by circle-like or polygonal-like shapes accmulated in a comb like pattern. The surrounding of each micro-core organization unit was observed to be a radial arrangement of club type structures.<BR>The cut surface of cholesterol gallstones showed shell type structures with high calcium density and low phosphorous density.<BR>The morphology in the cut surface of renal stones was made up of core and stratiform structure, and each core organization unit had an ellipse-like structure in the cut surface but it was smaller than the one of the salivary calculi.
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