スメタム抽出管(Smetham extractor)を使用したバターの脂肪の直接定量法について
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The fat content of butter can be estimated either by a direct or an indirect method. In Japan, the indirect method is generally adopted for inspection, i, e., determining the moisture and non-fat-solids content and considering the remaining part as the fat content; while the direct method can be applied by use of the apparatus designed by Smetham for liquid-liquid extraction. The conditions for the determination procedures were studied in detail, and the way how to boil the butter sample with hydrochloric acid before extraction, the extraction time with ether and the time of drying of the flask in an oven were finally determined, after which a comparison of the direct and the indirect methods was carried out by using commercial butters. It was not necessary to continue boiling for a long period, and it took two hours for complete extraction of fat, while only one hour was enough for drying the flask. The fat content of butter can be determined more rapidly and easily by the direct method than the indirect method. Moreover, the determination accuracy of the direct method proved to be considerably higher than that of the indirect method so far as the salted sweet cream butter and salted ripened cream butter were concerned. No difference in determination accuracy was observed with unsalted sweet cream butter.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
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