Super-induced gene expression of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor 2C subunit in chemical-induced hypertrophic liver in rats
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To identify gene expression that can be closely involved in chemical-induced hepatocellular hypertrophy, the hepatic gene expression profile was assessed by cDNA microarray analysis in male F344 rats fed for 3 days, 4 weeks, and 13 weeks a diet containing a hepatocellular hypertrophy inducer, either phenobarbital (500 ppm), clofibrate (2,500 ppm), or piperonyl butoxide (20,000 ppm). The results showed that, in all treatment groups, the increased expressional rate of the Grin2c gene, which encodes the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor 2C subunit (NR2C), was the highest among those of all the genes tested, as compared with the corresponding gene expression in rats fed a normal diet. Moreover, real-time RT-PCR analysis showed that the expression levels of the Grin2c gene in rats fed with each chemical clearly increased in a chemical treatment period-dependent fashion, and that the increased rate was closely correlated with the grade of hypertrophy of hepatocytes rather than with the increased rate in liver weight. These results suggest the possibility that chemical-induced NR2C expression relates to the development of hepatocellular hypertrophy.
Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Keio University
Inoue Kaoru
Division Of Pathology National Institute Of Health Sciences
Yoshida Midori
Division Of Pathology National Institute Of Health Sciences
Nishikawa Akiyoshi
Division Of Pathology Biology Safety Research Center National Institute Of Health Sciences
NEMOTO Kiyomitsu
Department of Molecular Toxicology and COE Program in the 21st Century, School of Pharmaceutical Sci
Habano Wataru
Department Of Diagnostic Pathology Iwate Medical University
Ito Sei
Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Graduate School Of Bioresource And Bioenvironmental Scien
Degawa Masakuni
Department Of Hygienic Chemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku University
Gamou Toshie
Department of Pharmacodynamics and Molecular Genetics, School of Pharmacy, Iwate Medical University
Nemoto Kiyomitsu
Department Of Molecular Toxicology And Global Coe Program School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Universi
Tanaka Takahiro
Department Of Cardiology Showa General Hospital
Ikeda Ayaka
Department of Molecular Toxicology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka
Mizukami Masanori
Department of Molecular Toxicology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka
Hikida Tokihiro
Department of Molecular Toxicology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka
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