Study on 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor in human liver cancer tissue.
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In order to investigate the expression and the significance of 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D<SUB>3</SUB> receptor (VD-R) in liver cancer, VD binding activity to the cytosol fraction was studied by radio-receptor assay in surgical specimens obtained from the patients with 18 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), 3 cholecystcholangiocarcinoma (CC) and 3 metastatic liver cancer (MLC; 1 case from breast cancer, 2 cases from colon cancer). The binding activity in surrounding non-cancerous liver tissues (3 normal liver, 1 chronic hepatitis, 4 liver cirrhosis which were histologically proven) was also examined.<BR>VD-R was not detected in all normal liver tissues nor in non-cancerous tissues with histological findings of chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. On the contrary, VD-R was detected in 10 out of 18 tissues with HCC. In positive cases, Scatchard analysis revealed the Kd values ranging from 0.1 to 2.0×10<SUP>-9</SUP>M and the receptor concentration from 1.5 to 26 fmol/mg cytosol protein. All showed histological features of grade II or III by the criteria of Edmondson. In 8 negative cases, one showed histological finding of well differentiated type, and 6 of the remaining cases were treated with transcatheter arterial infusion of anti-cancer drugs within one month before operation. VD-R were also detected in 2 of 3 with CC and all of 3 with MLC.<BR>To our knowledge, this is the first report showing the expression of VD-R in HCC different fron non-cancerous liver tissues and suggesting the possible significance of VD-R in hepatocarcinogenesis or differentiation of cancer cells.
山本 逸雄
京都大学医学部 放射線核医学科および放射線部
井村 裕夫
境 祐二
福田 義弘
土光 茂治
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