蝸電図におけるNegative Summating Potentials(-SP電位)の異常増大現象の発生機構について
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With the view of clarifying the mechanism of occurence of abnormally large amplitude of negative summating potentials (-SP) in clinical electrocochleography, electric responses of the cochlea were recorded from guinea pigs whose endolymphatic sac and duct were oblitered.In reference to the waveform of AP, SP complex obtained by AVE recording using click stimuli, the animals were devided into three groups, i.e., (I) cases showing broadened waveform of AP, SP complex due to enhanced of the -SP, (II) cases showing -SP and normal waveform of AP, SP complex, and (III) cases showing +SP as in normal cases.The waveform of AP, SP complex in Group I was very similar to that of clinical electrocochleographic findings in certain cases of pathological ears such as Menieres disease and sudden sensorineural hearing loss. In all tested stimulus frequency functions the SP polarity recorded in scala vestibuli(SV), scala tympani(ST), and AVE SP and DIF SP proved to be predominantly negative in its trend. Histological investigation indicated the distension of endolymphatic compartment of the cochlea with displacement of Reissners membarne, but -SP amplitudes were not always proportional to the degree of distension in these cases.In this study it was postulated that the large amplitude of -SP would reveal the pathophysiological conditions in the cochlea, three of the scalae, i.e., SV, ST and scala media, all showed negative polarity in SP, leading to a negative SP of increased amplitude as a total sum or synthetic vector of SP components with the dominating negative polarity.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
隈上 秀伯
西田 裕明
獨協医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科器管食道科
隈上 秀伯
西田 裕明
馬場 正明
森内 晴美
大沢 広秀
森内 晴美
馬場 正明
西田 裕明
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