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In order to grasp the pathophysiologic situation of the inner ears of patients with Menieres disease, compound action potential (AP), summating potential (SP) and cochlear microphonics (CM) were examined by transtympanic electrocochleography.Hearing impairments were divided by the pure tone audiogram into three types. Type I indicates fluctuating hearing impairment resulting in a recovery to normal range at some interval, type II indicates fluctuating hearing impairment without recovery to normal range and type III indicates.. fixed hearing loss with a flat audiogram.In type I, asuper normal AP amplitude, CM amplitudes at 0.5kHz and 4kHz and an increased negative SP were noted in most cases.The ratio of AP to negative SP was lower and the ratio of AP to positive SP was higher than the other types. The CM thresholds at 0.5kHz and 4kHz were well maintained in typeI. In type III both AP and CM amplitudes were lower than control being 1/2-1/5 of the latterand further the ratio of AP to negative SP was higher and the ratio of AP to positive SP showed was lower than the other types. The threshold at 0.5kHz was well maintained in type III. In type II and III, the AP latency was prolonged in all cases. In type II, AP, SP and CM responses were intermediate between type I and III.In view of the above findings, the author considers that the main etiological factor in type I is a reversible change in the endolymphatic space with a temporary physiological blockage of the sensory cells, in type III, a structural change of the endolymphatic space with endolymphatic hydrops with partial lesion of sensory cells, and in type II a mixture of type I and III.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
- 蝸電図におけるNegative Summating Potentials(-SP電位)の異常増大現象の発生機構について
- 第35回 日本平衡神経科学会
- 第33回 日本平衡神経科学会秋季学会
- AP反応とオージオグラムの型との関係
- Galvanic Body Swayの刺激部位について : 蝸電図検査成績との比較よりみた一考察
- 蝸電図よりみたメニエール病の内耳病態
- 誘発反応波形からみた突発性難聴と末梢性顔面神経麻痺
- 各種刺激音によるAP,SPの変化
- 実験的内耳障害と眼振の方向
- 蝸電図テータ処理の試み
- 鼓室内誘導部位の差による蝸電図の変化