Characteristics of Plutonium Oxide Aerosol Particles Generated by Nebulization.
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Characteristics of plutonium oxide aerosols, 239PuO2, were investigated. Plutonium oxide aerosols were generated by nebulizing the Pu (OH)4 dispersed in HCl and passing the resultant droplets through a high temperature furnace to produce the PuO2. When a nebulizer solution containing plutonium of 3.21×105Bq/cm3 was used, aerosols with air concentration of 0.088Bq/cm3 were produced. Size distributions of these aerosols were determined with a cascade impactor to be 0.17μm AMAD (Activity Median Aerodynamic Diameter) and 2.1 geometric standard deviation. When a nebulizer solution with plutonium concentration of 3.95×106Bq/cm3 was used, 0.47μm AMAD was observed as expected roughly for the higher concentrated plutonium solutions. Observations of alpha trucks by autoradiograph and particle shape by scanning eletcron microscopy were also made for selected filter samples.
山田 裕司
小泉 彰
佐藤 宏
放射線医学総合研究所 比較環境
石榑 信人
稲葉 次郎
宮本 勝宏
仲野 高志
榎本 宏子
仲野 高志
榎本 宏子
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