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Collection performance of a HEPA filter and a new type filter which was recently developed for removing fine particles below 0.3μm was verified by using a laser aerosol particle counter in the particle size range from 0.12 to 0.42μm diameter in which the filter performance was not sufficiently clarified. Tested filter sheets were 14.5cm by 14.5cm in dimensions.DOP particles ranging from 0.12 to 0.17μm exhibited higher penetration of HEPA filter than DOP particles from 0.27 to 0.42μm by a factor of 20 at the standard face velocity of 2.4cm/sec. The penetration of HEPA filter was 6.6×10-4 for 0.12 to 0.17μm DOP particles, and that of the new type filter was 3.1×10-6.It was confirmed that overall system penetration of two HEPA filters in series could be described as the product of each stage penetration.
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