A Device for In Vitro Irradiation with α-Particles Using an (α-Emitting Radioactive Source
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A device to irradiate a monolayer of cultured cells with α-particles using an Am-241 α-source (33.4 MBq) was designed to investigate RBEs of α-particles in cell killing, induction of chromosome aberration, mutagenic changes and transformation. This device can be used conveniently in a common laboratory by a small number of researchers without any limitation of machine time. The device performs as follows: (1) The energy of α-particles at the entrance of the cell layer is 3.20 MeV with a standard deviation of 0.25 MeV, (2) the incident angle to the cell layer is 82.8 degrees with a standard deviation of 3.2 degrees, (3) the fluence rate is 4.7×10^5 cm^<-2>min^<-1>, (4) the average LET_∞ for a cell layer 5 μm thick is 138 keV/μm, (5) the average dose rate for a cell layer 5 μm thick is 0.10 Gy/min. , (6) a temperature and C0_2 concentration conducive to cell cultivation are maintained during irradiation
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
石榑 信人
石榑 信人
仲野 高志
独立行政法人 放射線医学総合研究所
仲野 高志
榎本 宏子
石榑 信人
日本保健物理学会将来検討委員会 放医研
榎本 宏子
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